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a)Name two apparatuse that can be used for determining mass in a laboratory.


a)Name two apparatus that can be used for determining mass in a laboratory.

(b) One of the flames produced by Bunsen burner is the luminous flame.

i) Explain why this flame is very bright

ii) State two disadvantages of the luminous flame.

(c) Air is usually one of the substances that is considered as a mixture.

(i) Identify the two most abundant component of air.

(ii) Give two reasons why the air is considered as a mixture.

(iii) One of the components of air is carbon (iv) oxide. Describe an experiment that can be used to prove the presence of carbon (iv) oxide in the air.



i. Top pan balance
ii. Electronic balance
iii. Beam balance

i. Due to incomplete combustion, it produces white hot carbon particles that emittes a lot of light
ii. It produces soot that makes apparatus dirty
iii. It does not produce much heat

i. Nitrogen and oxygen
ii. It can be separated by physical means
Components of air are not chemically combined
iii. Pass air through lime water (Ca(OH)2) the lime water forms white precipitate indicating presence of carbon(IV)oxide
marto answered the question on October 11, 2019 at 10:53

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