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(a) Calamine is one of the ores from which zinc can be extracted from


(a) Calamine is one of the ores from which zinc can be extracted from.

(i) Name any other ore from which zinc can be extracted from.

(ii) The calamine is usually decomposed by heating to obtain substance M as shown below.


Identify substance M.

(iii) Identify two methods that can be used to obtain zinc from substance M

(b) During the extraction of zinc, name two gases likely to emitted into the air and that are likely to cause pollution

(c) State one likely pollution effects of each of the gases you have mentioned in (a) above

(d) State one possible use of zinc metal



i. Zinc blende (penalize zinc sulphide )
ii. ZnO
iii. Reduction using carbon or carbon (II) oxide
iv. It is converted to zinc sulphate and electrolyzed

- Sulphur {IV} oxides/SO2
- Carbon {IV} oxide /CO2

- Sulphur {IV} oxide leads to formation of acid rain
- Carbon oxide causes global warming

- Zinc is used to galvanise iron to prevent it form rusting
- To make brass an alloy of copper and zinc
marto answered the question on October 11, 2019 at 11:12

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