Read the following story and then answer the questions that follow.


Read the following story and then answer the questions that follow.

Once upon a time, the pot and the drum got into an argument. They were sitting idly in a house when the pot suddenly said to the drum, 'You know, I’m tougher and stronger than you.' 'Oh!'Exclaimed the drum. 'Are you now? How’s that?' 'Well, just look at me,” said the pot. “Isn’t it obvious?' The drum took a long and hard look. The pot was a huge round thing, all made of clay and
black with soot from years and years of cooking over hot, smoky fires.
'I sit over fires day in, day out,' continued the pot after a while. 'The more they burn me, the stronger I get. Could you, drum, sit over a fire for even half a minute? Why, you would be burnt to ashes.' The drum could not dispute that. He certainly would not dare sit over a blazing fire. He was made of wood, you see, a hollowed-out trunk, spread with a skin at both ends. So he said to the pot, 'I agree with you. I couldn’t stand a fire even for a brief moment. But how about you facing my drummer with his drumsticks? I would love to see you stand up to the kind of pummeling he gives me day in, day out.' he pot was scared stiff at the thought of being struck with drumsticks. He immediately suggested that they drop the argument, and they did.

i) Identify and illustrate three characteristics of narratives present in this story.

ii) What two features of oral performance would you employ in the effective delivery of the story?

iii) List down the reason why the pot feels he is stronger than the drum and vice versa.

iv) How does the drum hit back at the pot?

v) Who won the argument and why?

vi) How would you classify the above narrative? Give a reason.

vii) Give a suitable title for the above narrative



1. (a) Opening formulae – 'Once upon a time...'

(b) Dialogue – conversations between the pot and the drum.

(c) Personification – the pot and the drum have been given human attributes.

2. – Tonal variation – vary pitch to make story more interesting.

- Mimicry – be able to imitate different voices to distinguish when pot is talking and when the drum it talking.

3. The pot could sit over blazing fire from years and years without burning. The drum on the other hand could withstand drumming day in day out without wearing out.

4. When he mentioned how he is struck by drumsticks and that the pot could not stand up the kind of pummeling he receives.

5. None. Each blew their own trumphet over their achievements.

6. Tale. The story is full of imaginations which are exciting.

7. The Pot and The Drum.
marto answered the question on October 15, 2019 at 05:23

Next: The grid below shows a part of the periodic table. The letters do not represent the actual symbols.
Previous: Study the table below and answer the questions that follow.

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Related Questions

  • Read the following story and then answer the questions that follow.(Solved)

    Read the following story and then answer the questions that follow.

    Once upon a time, the pot and the drum got into an argument. They were sitting idly in a house when the pot suddenly said to the drum, 'You know, I’m tougher and stronger than you.'
    'Oh!'Exclaimed the drum. 'Are you now? How’s that?”
    'Well, just look at me,' said the pot. 'Isn’t it obvious?'
    The drum took a long and hard look. The pot was a huge round thing, all made of clay and black with soot from years and years of cooking over hot, smoky fires.
    'I sit over fires day in, day out,' continued the pot after a while. 'The more they burn me, the stronger I get. Could you, drum, sit over a fire for even half a minute? Why, you would be burnt to ashes.'
    The drum could not dispute that. He certainly would not dare sit over a blazing fire. He was made of wood, you see, a hollowed-out trunk, spread with a skin at both ends. So he said to the pot, 'I agree with you. I couldn’t stand a fire even for a brief moment. But how about you facing my drummer with his drumsticks? I would love to see you stand up to the kind of pummeling he gives me day in, day out.'
    The pot was scared stiff at the thought of being struck with drumsticks. He immediately suggested that they drop the argument, and they did.
    i) Identify and illustrate three characteristics of narratives present in this story.

    ii) What two features of oral performance would you employ in the effective delivery of the story?

    iii) List down the reason why the pot feels he is stronger than the drum and vice versa.

    iv) How does the drum hit back at the pot?

    v) Who won the argument and why?

    vi) How would you classify the above narrative? Give a reason

    vii) Give a suitable title for the above narrative.

    Date posted: October 14, 2019.  Answers (1)

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    Date posted: October 14, 2019.  Answers (1)

  • "Greed leads to evil." Write a composition to show the truth of this statement using illustrations from John Steinbeck’s The Pearl(Solved)

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    Date posted: October 14, 2019.  Answers (1)

  • Read the excerpt below and answer the questions that follow.(Solved)

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    'No Joseph' she said in an infantile whimper. “I can’t bear that we can’t express the love that we have for one another because of some primitive culture. If by loving you, I offend the sensibilities of Nasila then let me offend and face the consequences of doing so!"
    "I also love you very much," Joseph Permute responded finally. "I loved you the moment I saw you during your father’s homecoming ceremony. But then the clan matter came to separate us. It is true we have no blood relation. But Nasila culture dictates who are related and who are not. We are slotted among those who cannot marry."
    "No, it can’t be, I cannot accept its verdict," she said petulantly her words agonized. "No way, never" She stopped, confused and angry with herself at her inarticulate outburst. She took several long steadying breaths and then said, "I cannot accept that a culture that does not feed, clothe or house me comes to control my life. Our lives belong to us, Joseph. The destiny of our lives is in our own hands. We should guard it jealously."At last they drew a little a part .His eyes were open, honest and steady upon her face.

    1. What happens before this excerpt?

    2. For both Joseph and Taiyo, give and illustrate two character traits.

    3. How is dialogue significant in this excerpt?

    4. Explain any two thematic concerns addressed in the excerpt.

    5. From elsewhere in the novel, how does Joseph sacrifice for his love for Taiyo?

    6. Explain the meaning of the following vocabulary as used in the excerpt.

    a) destiny

    b) infantile

    c) petulantly

    d) primitive

    7. What happens immediately after this extract?

    Date posted: October 14, 2019.  Answers (1)

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    Date posted: September 24, 2019.  Answers (1)

  • Read the narrative below and then answer the questions that follow.(Solved)

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    Once upon a time, all animals in the jungle were of the same plain colour but when they were invited by king lion for his son’s wedding, they decided to decorate themselves for the occasion. The tortoise was given the task of making the dye to be used. Though he was slow, he was the most intelligent.

    The big day was fast approaching but the tortoise had only managed to make one big pot of black dye. He called a meeting and they all decided to use the available dye to make various patterns in their skins.
    The leopard was allocated the job of painting the rest of the animals. The zebra was the first on queue followed by the giraffe, then the donkey and all the other animals were to follow. The giraffe and the zebra were painted and they looked very beautiful.

    Then the donkey’s turn came but he was undecided on the pattern to choose. The leopard decided to paint him like a zebra and got down to work. He had a long line along the donkey’s spine from head towards the tail. On reaching the tail, the donkey started giggling. The leopard continued and the donkey jumped and threw him his hind legs saying the brush was tickling and he could not contain himself any longer.

    He had thrown his hind legs so hard that he hit the pot containing the dye. The dye spattered all over the animals on the queue. The cheetah got speckles all over his body, the leopard got spotted and the crow who happened to be passing by with an urgent letter for the king hanging on its neck was splashed by the dye which covered him the whole body apart from the neck where the letter was. On seeing this, the hyena started laughing but got a large splotch on his mouth.
    All the animals rushed to the stream to try and wash out the dye but it was already dried and had become permanent. Nobody could get off the spots, streaks, speckles and splotches. And that is how the donkey was responsible for the various patterns we see on animal’s bodies today.

    a) Classify the narrative above.

    b) Identify and illustrate any two social aspects of society from which this narrative is taken.

    c) Identify and illustrate any three features peculiar to oral narratives evident in this narrative.

    d) Identify and illustrate any two character traits of the Leopard.

    e) Who would be the target audience of such a narrative

    f) If you were to collect this narrative from the field, what preparations would you make before the actual field work

    Date posted: September 12, 2019.  Answers (1)

  • Read the following excerpt and answer the questions that follow.(Solved)

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    Nora: (jumping up and going to him) oh, dear, nice Doctor Rank, I never meant that at all. But surely you can understand that being with Torvald is a little like being with Papa –
    (enter MAID from the hall)
    Maid: if you please, ma’am. (Whispers and hands her a card)
    Nora: (glancing at the card) oh! (Puts it into her pocket)
    Rank: is there anything wrong?
    Nora: No, no, not in the least. It is only something – it is my new dress –
    Rank: what? Your dress is lying there.
    Nora: Oh, yes, that one: but this is another. I ordered it. Torvald mustn’t know about it –
    Rank: Oho! Then was the great secret.
    Nora: Of course. Just go in to him: he is sitting in the inner room. Keep him as long as –
    Rank: Make our mind easy; I won’t let him escape (goes into HELMER’S room)
    Nora: (to the MAID) And he is standing waiting in the kitchen?
    Maid: Yes; he came up the back stairs.
    Nora: But didn’t you tell him no one was in?
    Maid: Yes, but it was no good.
    Nora: He won’t go away?
    Maid: No; he says he won’t until he has seen you, ma’am.
    Nora: Well, let him come in – but quietly. Helen you mustn’t say anything about it to anyone. It is a surprise for my husband.
    Maid: Yes, ma’am, I quite understand. (exit)
    Nora: This dreadful thing is going to happen! It will happen in spite of me! No, no, no, it can’t happen – it shan’t happen!

    a) Place this excerpt in its immediate context

    b) Indentify and illustrate the character trait of the following characters



    c) Who is in the kitchen and why has he come?

    d) Identify and illustrate the dominant theme in the excerpt.

    e)'............. being with Torvald is a little like being with papa' what does Nora mean by this statement?

    f) Explain an incidence of dramatic irony from the excerpt.

    g) Why is Nora quick to usher Dr. Rank out of the room?

    h) "This dreadful thing is going to happen." Rewrite in reported speech.

    i) Explain the dreadful thing that Nora fears might happen?

    j) Explain the meaning of the following expressions as used in the excerpt.

    i) Make your mind easy

    ii) I won’t let him escape

    iii) It was no good

    iv) Dreadful

    Date posted: September 12, 2019.  Answers (1)

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    Date posted: September 12, 2019.  Answers (1)

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    Date posted: September 12, 2019.  Answers (1)

  • Read the song below and answer questions that follow.(Solved)

    Read the song below and answer questions that follow.

    Oh my sister, listen
    From this day, you won’t go dancing,
    From this day, you won’t go to the dance,
    From this day, you won’t go dancing
    You’ll dance only on the path to the river.
    My sister, will you listen?
    From this day, you won’t go chatting,
    From this day, you won’t sit to chat,
    From this day, you won’t sit chatting,
    You’ll only chat on the path to the farm.

    Daughter of my mother, listen!
    From this day, you won’t enjoy teasing,
    From this day, you won’t enjoy to tease,
    From this day, you won’t enjoy teasing,
    You’ll only tease the baby on your lap.
    Listen, my dear sister!

    You’ll only dance on the path to the river,
    You’ll only chat on the path to the farm,
    You’ll only tease the baby on your lap,
    From this day, life will change.

    Have you heard daughter of my mother?
    You’ll not go dancing, dance today.
    You’ll not go sit chatting, chat today.
    You’ll not enjoy teasing, tease today.
    From this day, life will change.

    1. With explanation, classify the above item

    2. Who do you think are the singers in this song? Give reasons

    3. Identify two features which qualify this text as a song.

    4. Briefly explain what the society expects of a married woman as brought out in the song.

    5. Giving illustrations, give two functions of this song.

    6. According to the song, how do you think the bride will behave when this song is sung?

    7. Explain the relationship between stanza 4 and the first three stanzas.

    8. Explain the effect/impact of the phrase “daughter of my mother' instead of my sister'

    9. Add an appropriate question tag to the statement below.

    a) Listen, my sister

    b) You’ll only dance on the way to the river

    Date posted: September 12, 2019.  Answers (1)

  • Read the following narrative and answer the questions that follow.(Solved)

    Read the following narrative and answer the questions that follow.

    An Old Woman and her Deformed Son
    There was an old woman whose children died in infancy and only a deformed boy survived to grow into adulthood. The boy was a hunchback.
    Although the old woman loved this hunchback son of hers, she was secretly ashamed of his physical appearance. She was so ashamed that each day she was on the look – out for visitors who might come around just to make fun of him. To keep him away from the public eye, she used to confine him in a drum most of the time. So, right from his childhood the boy grew up in a drum. He was taken out only a few times during the day when the old woman was sure that there were likely to be no intruders around. When the boy attained circumcision age, he was duly circumcised. After circumcision he said to the old woman, “Mother, I now want a wife, can you please find me a girl to marry!” “Yes, my son”, said the old woman. “I will try. I am indeed very pleased to learn that you are already thinking of a wife.”
    By and by, the old woman went to look for a suitable girl to marry her son. She approached a pretty girl and asked her whether she would be interested in marrying her son and the girl, promised to think about it. Without disclosing her son’s physical defects to the girl, the old woman set about wooing her intensively. She brought all sorts of gifts to her mother, helped the girl to collect firewood and even helped her with the work in the shamba. Reluctantly the girl gave in and there upon requested the old woman to make the necessary arrangements so that she would meet the future husband. The old woman cunningly suggested that the girl should accompany her to her house where she would be able to meet the boy.
    The old woman lived a long way from the girl’s village. On the day when the girl decided to visit her prospective bridegroom, she walked and walked until sunset. It was a very long journey indeed. When she eventually arrived, the old woman pretended that the young man was around and would appear shortly. The girl waited and waited but the boy did not appear at all. At bed time the girl was told that the boy was already in bed sleeping. She was shown a separate place to sleep, and thus no opportunity to either see or talk to the boy as would have been expected of people who were planning to live together. Very early in the morning the girl asked the old man, “ Please, where is the boy you want me to marry?” and the woman replied, “ My son woke up early in the morning and went to work in a different village yonder so that he can earn something for your bride price”
    Although the girl was visibly disappointed, she tried to conceal her sentiments and appear to be at home with everything around the house. The old woman and the girl went to cultivate in a banana grove. While they were away the boy jumped out of the drum and busied himself about the house with the little chores singing:
    Khanenuya munju, mwange, Khanenuye munju mwange
    Mkhasi nakikhali misilu, maji kakuombelesay musecha kacha
    Khuema, abele khuchuma nacha sina?
    Menyile, mukhang’oma, kurumba kuli khumukongo
    (Let me busy myself in my house. Aren’t women foolish? Mother fooled her. “Your husband has gone to work.” How could I have gone to work? I just live in my little drum because I have a hunchback.)
    The girl heard the boy’s singing but it was so faint that she would neither comprehend the meaning of the song nor even make out as to which direction the sound came from. However, out of curiosity she stopped from time to time and listened. This went on for several days until she started to guess the meaning of the words in the song. On getting the message home, she was quite disturbed. Her suspicion was strengthened by the fact that each morning they left for the shamba without sweeping or washing utensils but on their return they found everything tidy about the house. One day she deceived the old woman by telling her that she was going to attend to the call of nature while in fact her intention was to discover the house and stood listening keenly at the door. She got really upset with the boy’s derogatory song. She pondered with herself, “ So this is my husband to be? A hunch back confined to a drum? No wonder the old woman deceived me the way she did. What girl in proper senses could marry a man like that? Anyway what can I do now? I must put an end to this continued bluff…..”
    One morning she said to the old woman, “Mother, today will you go to look for firewood while I go to the plantation alone?” The old woman said, “Yes, my daughter, we can share work that way.” She had grown so used to the cheerful and friendly manner of the girl, thinking that she would not mind staying on as her daughter – in law even after discovering that her son was deformed. Indeed she was already contemplating making the revelation to her.
    And so each went her separate way. But as soon as the old woman vanished from sight the girl dashed back and stood at the door which had now become a familiar ground for spying on the hunchback. She listened briefly as the boy sang mischievously inside the house. Then she stole a quick glance peeping through a side hole.
    To her amazement, she saw that he was a real hunchback! Quite oblivious, the boy went on sweeping the floor and singing. The girl felt that she could no longer stand it. She broke into the house suddenly with the intention of beating up the mischievous fellow. But before she could get hold of him he dodged nimbly and slipped back into the drum. Nonetheless, the girl fuming with anger picked up the drum and smashed it on the floor. A pool of blood started oozing from the broken drum. The poor hunchback was dead.
    Considering it appropriate revenge on the old woman the girl felt no remorse for the action she had taken. She rolled over the cold body of the hunchback as a lump of anger swelled up in her throat. When the old woman returned home and found the mess she had done in the house she screamed at the top of her voice, “ Ooh , oh…. Uuuuwee…. Uuuuweeeeeee!” But it was all in vain. The deformed boy whom she had been ashamed of showing to the public was dead and gone forever! Yes, instead of feeling relieved by the burden of shame she now felt great anguish for this loss. After killing the hunchback the girl also disappeared never to be seen again. The poor old woman remained there weeping and feeling quite forlorn.

    (a) Place this narrative in its correct genre ..

    (b)How is the old woman to blame for the tragedy that befell her?

    (c) Identify two socio – economic activities in the community. Support your answer with the evidence from the story

    (d) What is the role of the song in the narrative?

    (e)With illustrations, describe the character of:
    (i) The girl
    (ii) The old woman

    (f) Explain two features typical of oral narratives present in this story.

    (g) Identify and illustrate any two moral lessons we learn from this narrative

    Date posted: September 11, 2019.  Answers (1)

  • Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. (Solved)

    Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.

    Krogstad: No matter about that.
    Nora: What do you want of me?
    Krogstad: An explanation of something.
    Nora: Make haste them. What is it?
    Krogstad: You know, I suppose, that I have got my dismissal.
    Nora: I couldn't prevent it, Mr. Krogstad. I fought as hard as I could on your side, but it was no good.
    Krogstad: Does your husband love you so little, then? He knows what I can expose you to, and yet ventures-
    Nora: How can you suppose that he has any knowledge of the sort?
    Krogstad: I didn't suppose so at all. It would not be the least like our dear Torvald
    Helmer to show so much courage-
    Nora: Mr. Krogstad, a little respect for my husband, please.
    Krogstad: Certainly — all the respect he deserves, but since you have kept the matter so carefully to yourself. I make bold to suppose that you have a little clearer idea, than you had yesterday, of what it actually is that you have done?
    Nora: More than you could ever teach me.
    Krogstad: Yes, such a bad lawyer as I am.
    Nora: What is it you want of me?
    Krogstad: only to see how you were, Mrs Helmer, 1 have been thinking about you all day long. A mere cashier, a quill driver, a man like me - even he has a little of what is called feeling, you know.
    Nora: Show it, then; think of my little children.
    Krogstad: Have you and your husband thought of mine? But never mind about that. I only wanted to tell you that you need not take this matter too seriously. In the first place there will be no accusation made on my part.
    Nora: No, of course not; I was sure of that.
    Krogstad: The whole thing can be arranged amicably; there is no reason why anyone should know anything about it. It will remain a secret between us three.
    Nora: My husband must never get to know anything about it.
    Krogstad: How will you be able to prevent it? Am I to understand that you can pay the balance that is owing?
    Nora: No, not just at present.
    Krogstad: Or perhaps that you have some expedient for raising the money soon?
    Nora: No expedient that I mean to make use of.
    Krogstad: Well, in any case, it would have been of no use to you. Now if you stood there with ever so much money in your hand, I would never part with your bond.


    a)Place this excerpt in its immediate context

    b)What is Krogstad's attitude towards Helmer? Explain.

    c)"You have some expedient for raising the money soon". Does Nora have an idea on how to raise the money? Explain

    d)"Yes, such a bad lawyer as I am". What is the tone of this statement?

    e)"Does your husband love you so little then?" How does Helmer's behavior later in the play bear out Krogstad' statement?

    f) Describe Krogstad’s character as revealed in this excerpt

    g) Identify and explain the use of irony in this excerpt.

    h)A mere cashier, a quill driver a man like me even he has a little of what is called feelings you know. (Rewrite beginning: Even .....)

    Date posted: September 11, 2019.  Answers (1)

  • Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow.(Solved)

    Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow.

    A lot of students think that learning is only in class. If students use two extra steps, most students will not forget what they learned in class. To achieve effective learning, students need to follow two extra steps in the three strategic learning processes.
    The key to success is by following these three strategies. Review is essential to student success. Unless content is reviewed by students shortly after it is learned, it will soon be forgotten. To avoid forgetting what you learned, it is recommended to review daily.
    It is also recommended to reduce large volumes of notes into point form and to paraphrase what you have learned. Other helpful tips include creating concept maps and diagrams; creating fact, concept or vocabulary cards and using visualization to better connect to what you learned. These are all important tools to helping students better understand and memorize lesson content.
    The key to achieving academic success cannot be directly correlated to one specific area. Rather it requires students to be overall rounded in many different aspects. This includes attending class regularly to keep pace with the class. Falling behind in studies or homework can be detrimental to academic success and can induce stress onto students. Participating in class activities and discussions are also vital parts of learning and applying concepts learned. On the other hand, taking good, concise notes will always help in the long run when reviewing for tests and exams. To sum it all up, strategic learning is the password for many academic achievements. Being exposed to knowledge is the first step in the journey, the fact that young scholars can learn and be a part of history is a phenomenal step in furthering their search to success. Reviewing notes, in the way the young individual wishes, by him/herself, or with a good friend, this will help him/her to understand what has been learned in a way he/she understands. Lastly practice is a great way to memorise what has been learned, when practice achieves its full potential, the individual won’t only be entitled for a good mark, but also a way to view, under and think of things. Those three attributes will help scholars become more successful, but it’s important to one as it is to the other, and each and every person should find the learning strategies effectual for him/herself, and in extremely exceptional occasions even invent or innovate new strategies.

    (a) What does the writer faults in the students thinking according to the first paragraph?

    (b) Explain the three strategies that are key to success.

    (c) Unless content is reviewed by students shortly after it is learned, it will soon be forgotten

    (d) The key to achieving academic success cannot be directly correlated to one specific area..

    (e) Discuss the tone of the passage.

    (f) How, according to the passage, does practice help memorize what has been learned?

    (g) Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases are used in the passage.

    Detrimental ........................

    Correlated ........................

    Effectual .......................

    Exceptional ............................

    Date posted: September 11, 2019.  Answers (1)

  • John Steinbeck: The Pearl Drawing your illustrations from John Steinbeck’s The Pearl, write a composition that portrays man as helpless in a fateful world. (Solved)

    John Steinbeck: The Pearl

    Drawing your illustrations from John Steinbeck’s The Pearl, write a composition that portrays man as helpless in a fateful world.

    Date posted: September 11, 2019.  Answers (1)

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    Date posted: September 11, 2019.  Answers (1)

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    Date posted: September 11, 2019.  Answers (1)

  • David Mulwa: Inheritance A Leader who is unfit to rule occasions untold suffering for the citizens of his/her country. Drawing illustrations from David Mulwa’s Inheritance,...(Solved)

    David Mulwa: Inheritance

    A Leader who is unfit to rule occasions untold suffering for the citizens of his/her country. Drawing illustrations from David Mulwa’s Inheritance, write an essay showing the validity of this statement.

    Date posted: September 11, 2019.  Answers (1)