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What are the challenges facing the development of Christianity in developing countries?


What are the challenges facing the development of Christianity in developing countries?



Challenges facing development of Christianity in developing countries are:
1. Cultural practices – some people clinging to their beliefs and culture
2. Cult practices – some people forms small groupings of beliefs and relate them to Christianity.
3. Moral decay- some moral issues especially connected with sexuality lead to people not embracing
4. Social classes- people take Christianity to what they can afford, so some churches are considered to
be for the rich people.
5. Level of poverty- Christianity is taken to be of people with low income as if they need more from
6. Lack of spiritual guidance from parents at their tender age or while youthful
7. Infrastructure- some people cannot be reached easily by the pastors, preachers, priests as the
terrain is bad with no good roads.
8. Technology / media – people tend to listen to radio watch TV episodes and not related to
9. The life of the clergy sometimes seems to be expensive for the people to maintain them hence they
prefer to go where they
10.can be maintained / sustained by their followers.
11.Science development- where people seem to have known a lot of the daily occurrence and not
related it to religion.
12.Christianity is taken for granted that one can live a good life even without being a
13.Conflicting theological explanation of different main stream churches and trying to stick
what was practiced long time ago compared to what has happened especially with the enlightenment of
the people.
14.Fundamentalism- fanatics of other religions consider Christianity as a threat to their
15.Reading culture of the people- people tend to read less of faith related books, for example
less spiritual books / materials compared to other literature posted in their phone and websites.
16.People are busy at work, business and sometimes in leisure hence find less time for faith
related activities such as retreats, crusades, mass and services.

joseph rimiru answered the question on September 25, 2017 at 12:34

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