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Briefly explain the development of the computers


Briefly explain the development of the computers



In computer development,it has come a long way before the invention of the computers we have today.In the early days people used stones to count their possession it was difficult but they never knew that this will lead to computers of today.People started following a set of procedure to perform calculations with these stones which later lead to creation of digital counting device.The first calculating device was
ABACUS:it was used to perform additional and subtraction easily and speedily,it was developed by Egyptians in the 10th century B.C and was give its final shape in the 12th century A.D by Chinese educationists,which was made of wooden frame in which rod were fitted across the round beads sliding on the rod.
NAPIER BONES:was the second calculating device,in this process Napier of Scotland invented this calculating device in the year 1617.
PASCALS CALCULATOR:In the year 1642 Blaise pascal a french scientist invented an adding machine called pascals calculator which represented the position of digits with the help of gears in it.
LEIBNZ CALCULATOR:In the year 1671 a German mathematician Gottfried modified the pascal calculator and he developed a machine which could perform various calculations based on multiplication and division as well.ANALYTICAL ENGINE:In the year 1833 a scientist from England known to be charles babbaye invented the machine which could keep our data safely,this devise deemed the first mechanical computer,it included features which is used in today's computer language.As time passed,the devices of more suitable and reliable machines was needed to perform work quickly in the year 1946,the first successful electronic computer was called ENIAC which was developed by J.P Eckert and J.W Mauchy.It was the beginning of first generation computer,initially the concept of vacuum tubes was used.A vacuum tube was such an electronic component which had very less work efficiency and it required a large cooling system.
As development moved further TRANSITSTORS were used as the electronic component instead of vacuum tubes,transistors were much smaller in size than vacuum tubes.The third development was the integrated circuit which was used as the electronic component for computers,this development of computers has a huge storage capacity and higher calculating speed.The fourth development is what we see around us today.the size of the computer is very fast and efficient.
danielochieng answered the question on September 25, 2017 at 13:10

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