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Outline the process of treating water for domestic use using chemical treatment system.


Outline the process of treating water for domestic use using chemical treatment system.



Water from lakes, rivers or the ground passes through a screen as it enters the water
treatment plant. When the water source is a lake or river, the screen serves an
important function, keeping out large natural contaminants such as plants and wood,
or fish. If ground water is used, screening may not be necessary since the water has
passed through layers of the earth in what is essentially a natural screening function.
Coagulation and Flocculation
Coagulation and flocculation are often the first steps in water treatment. Chemicals
with a positive charge are added to the water. The positive charge of these chemicals
neutralizes the negative charge of dirt and other dissolved particles in the water. When
this occurs, the particles bind with the chemicals and form larger particles, called floc.
During sedimentation, floc settles to the bottom of the water supply, due to its weight.
This settling process is called sedimentation.
Once the floc has settled to the bottom of the water supply, the clear water on top will
pass through filters of varying compositions (sand, gravel, and charcoal) and pore
sizes, in order to remove dissolved particles, such as dust, parasites, bacteria, viruses,
and chemicals.
After the water has been filtered, a disinfectant (for example, chlorine, chloramine)
may be added in order to kill any remaining parasites, bacteria, and viruses, and to
protect the water from germs when it is piped to homes and businesses.
- Other processes could include fluoridation and addition of lime to reduce

- Treated water is stored in large tanks before distribution
marto answered the question on November 6, 2019 at 11:02

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