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The diagram below is an illustration of a composite pit. Study the illustration and answer the questions that follow.


The diagram below is an illustration of a composite pit. Study the illustration and answer the questions that follow.
a) Name the parts labelled 1 – 3.
b) Give the importance of 5, 4, and 3.
c) (i) Why is it advisable that a long sharp pointed stick driven into the compost pit at an angle?
(ii) State two ways of identifying that the manure is ready.



(a) 1 - Foundation materials for example, maize stalks
2 - Kitchen refuse, leaves.
3 - Farm yard manure / any well rotten manure

(b) 5 – provide source of micro-organism.
4 – Enrich the manure with phosphorous and potassium.
3 – Provide food for micro-organism that bring about decay.

(c) (i) To check for the temperature of the manure.
(ii)-Absence of odour.
-Light in weight.
-Brown in colour.
-Original nature of material not noticeable.
-Cool / low temperatures.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on November 8, 2019 at 09:54

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