Describe how the following features are formed: - (i) Grikes and clints (ii) Stalactite


Describe how the following features are formed: -

(i) Grikes and clint

(ii) Stalactite



(i) Grikes and clints

- Rain water dissolves carbon(iv) oxide in the atmosphere forming a weak carbonic acid
- The weak carbonic acid reacts with limestone forming calcium hydrogen carbonate which is soluble
- Water enters vertical joints fo limestone which are widened by solution process
- These form gullies called grikes
- The grikes are separated by ridges called clints.

(ii) Stalactite
- Rain water mixes with Co2 in the atmosphere forming a weak carbonic acid
- On reaching the surface, the weak carbonic acid reacts with limestone forming calcium hydrogen carbonate.
- Rainwater infiltrates through the joints of limestone forming a solution of calcium hydrogen carbonate.
- The solution drips from the roof of the cave.
- Water and carbon(iv) oxide are released
- Calcium carbonate is deposited on the roof of the cave
- With time the calcium carbonate grows downwards forming fingerlike projections called stalectiles
marto answered the question on November 8, 2019 at 10:25

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