Cache memory;
Is the fastest type of RAM.
There are three types of cache memory namely;
i)level 1(primary cache)is located inside the microprocessor.
ii)level 2(external cache )may be inside the microprocessor or mounted on the motherboard.
iii)level 3 –is the latest type of cache that works with L2 cache to optimize system performance.
Are special memories that are found input/output devices.
Input data is held in input buffer while ouput data is held in output buffer.
A computer printer have buffer where they can store massive documents sent by cpu for printing which frees the cpu to perform other urgents
As opposed to buffer,register holds one piece of data at a time and are inside the cpu. Examples of registers are;
i)ACCUMULATORS;this temporary holds the results of the last processing step of the ALU.
ii)INSTRUCTION REGISTER;this temporary holds on instructions just before its interpreted into a form that cpu can understand.
iii)ADDRESS REGISTERS;this temporary holds the next piece of data waiting to be processed .
iv)STORAGE REGISTERS;temporary holds a piece of data that is on its way to and from the cpu and the main memory.
gideon1 answered the question on September 25, 2017 at 09:34
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