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Describe the procedure of grafting an orange seedling using t-budding.


Describe the procedure of grafting an orange seedling using t-budding.



- Select materials for T-budding. Budding stock (6-25mm) diameter – actively growing.

- Choose smooth portion of the stock (5-25cm) above soil level.

- Make a cut on the stock, using a clean sterilized razor / sharp knife.

- Make vertical and horizontal cuts (either can start).

- On making the horizontal cut, throw open the flaps of the bark of the stock for the insertion of the bud. The cuts should be of desired lengths.

- Choose the bud – portion of the stem 13mm below the bud and 25mm above the bud.

- The bark shield containing the bud should be removed easily.

- Insert the bud on the cut of the budding stock by opening up the flap.

- Cover the bud with the flaps.

- Wrap using grafting tape / budding tape to hold the union securely.

- Tying operation should start from top going down to avoid pushing the bud out.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on November 8, 2019 at 12:16

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