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Below are tools used on the farm. Study them and answer the questions that follow.


Below are tools used on the farm. Study them and answer the questions that follow.
a) Give the identity of each tools above.

b) State the observable differences between tool A and B

c) State the functional difference between tool C and D.

d. State any two precaution that should be taken into account when using the above tools.



a) A-marking gauge
B-mortise gauge
C- hand drill
D-bit brace

b) Marking gauge has one spur while mortise gauge has two spurs which is used to mark lines at the same time

c) Hand drill used to drill small holes in both wood and metal while Bit brace is used to for turning bits to bore holes in wood

d) Tools should be kept in a safe place after use
-Use the correct tool for the right job
-Tools should be maintained and serviced to remain in good working condition and last longer
-Tools should be handled correctly when in use
-Use of safety devices such as extinguishers and first aid kits in the workshop to reduce accidents.
-All tools should be stored properly in tool cabinets or in tool racks.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on November 12, 2019 at 09:19

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