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State the differences between prophets in the Old Testament and seers in Traditional African Society.


State the differences between prophets in the Old Testament and Traditional African Society.



The old testament prophets stress the worship of God/ monotheism while in some
traditional African communities ,prophets recognized many gods/god.

The old testament received their power/guidance directly from god while the African
traditional prophets got their power from god through the living dead /spirits.

The old Testament prophets received opposition from their people and most of them were
rejected while traditional prophets were respected and obeyed by their communities.

The work of the Old Testament prophets were recorded and reserved while ATR the work
of prophets was handed over through oral traditions.

Traditional African prophets confined their prophecies to their communities while old
testament prophets prophecies not only to Judah and Israel but also to the other nations.

While in some traditional African communities the office of the prophets is hereditary in
the O.T it was not.

The old Testament prophets preached about the gospel of salvation and the coming
messiah while the traditional African prophets did not.

The old Testaments prophets were teachers since they taught their people a bout the will
of god and His law ,while Traditional African prophets were not teachers and were only
concerned with predictions.


Old Testament(OT) prophets emphasized covenant way of life while African seers targeted the entire social well being of the society.

The OT prophets were note accepted by their own people while the traditional seers were highly regarded in the community.

OT prophets have been recorded and preserved while traditional prophets have been passed on through oral tradition.

OT prophets worshiped in temples while traditional seers worshiped in shrines.

OT prophets emphasized on monotheistic religion while traditional seers recognized and worshiped ancestral spirits.

OT prophets were chosen by God while traditional seers either inherited the work or were chosen by the community.
gideon1 answered the question on September 25, 2017 at 16:46

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