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Outline five importance of the teaching of Amos on hypocritical worship to Christians today.


Outline five importance of the teaching of Amos on hypocritical worship to Christians today.



Christians should avoid insincere worship, social injustices ,corruption and oppression of
the weak i.e they should fight all forms of insincerity by treating all people fairly.
Christians should not show off when giving tithes and offerings-everything that is offered
in the church should be given with sincere heart and not with the intention of being
Christian should go to church to praise and worship God and not to satisfy their own
desired like the Israelites i.e they should praise with a sincere heart.
Christian should worship God alone wholly and fully i.e they should avoid worshiping idols
or others gods.
The Christian way of worship should be directly related to the way they live i.e Christians
should not pretend to be holy in the church hole they do evil things in private.
Christians should live according to the teachings of Jesus Christ-Jesus urged people to love
their neighbours-christians can shows love by helping the needy and the vulnerable in
society .
Christians should practice humility in worship.
gideon1 answered the question on September 25, 2017 at 16:48

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