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Explain seven main evils condemned by prophet Jeremiah.


Explain seven main evils condemned by prophet Jeremiah.



Necromancy Jeremiah 14:14;27:9;29:8-9
Jeremiah condemned necromancy which involved acts of divination ,magic and sorcery.
He warned King Zedekiah against listening to diverners ,mediums and soothsayers who
were advising him to rebel against the Babylonians.
The law of Moses condemns necromancy (Leviticus 19:31,Deuteronomy 18:10-11)
Dishonesty /Deception Jeremiah 5:30-31,9:4-11,14:15-16;23:16-22)
Jeremiah condemned the people who were telling lies to the people e.g false prophets who
speake in the name of Yahweh giving false hope to the people yet he had not sent them.
False prophecy (Hannaniah)Jeremiah 28
Jeremiah challenged the false prophecies of Hananniah about the victory of Judah over the
Jeremiah stated that God was going to use Babylonian invasion as a form of punishments
for the Judah’s infidelity.
Idolatry Jeremiah 2,3,4
Jeremiah condemned idolatry which was wide spread in Israel.
Jeremiah ridiculed idols as being powerless, to answer people prayers.
Human sacrifice Jer 7:30-32, 32:35\
Jeremiah condemned human sacrifices ;a practice which the Israelites had borrowed from
Baal religious
. The sacrifices were carried out with the valley of Ben Hinnom.
gideon1 answered the question on September 25, 2017 at 16:49

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