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You carried out a field study on rocks within the school vicinity. i) State three objectives of your study. ii) Identify two equipment/tools you used during...


You carried out a field study on rocks within the school vicinity.
i) State three objectives of your study.
ii) Identify two equipment/tools you used during data collection.
iii) Give three reasons why you used fieldwork in studying rocks.



i) - To find out the type of rocks within the school vicinity.
- To find out the physical characteristics of the rocks within the school vicinity.
- to find out the uses of the rocks within the school vicinity.
- to find out the distribution of the rocks within the school vicinity.

ii) - Geological map/route map
- Geological hammer
- Magnifying lens
- Paper bags

iii) - To get first hand information on different types of rocks
- Application of theoretical knowledge learnt in class to real life situation
- Developed various skills such as observation, sketching and analysis during the collection of data.
- To break the classroom monotony
- To enhance visual memory/comprehension of the content on rocks.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on November 19, 2019 at 07:23

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