Explain five principles of government expenditure


Explain five principles of government expenditure.



1:Maximum social benefit-expenditure should provide maximum benefit to the targeted groups of people ragardless of his/her locality e.g education,health,infrastructure and housing
2:Principle of sanction-government expenditure must be authorised by an authority(parliament)
3:Principle of economy-Their should be no wastage in government expenditure.The implementers should adhere to planned budget
4:Financial administration and accountability-public accounts must be kept properly and audited
5:Flexibility-public accounts should allow for alteration depending on prevailing circumstances e.g when their is peace prevailing,development programmes increases while during wars expenditure towards society increases
6:Principle of equity distribution-public expenditure should ensure more benefits trickle down to the poor and weaker sections of our society
7:Principle of productivity-public expenditure should lead to increased levels of output in the economy
8:Principle of surplus-government revenue should exceed government expenditure
johnmulu answered the question on January 30, 2017 at 11:43

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