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Discuss citing examples the nature and scope of agribusiness management in Kenya


Discuss citing examples the nature and scope of agribusiness management in Kenya



1. Small scale farming is taking shape and being taken to a high level as an income generating sector.
2. This kind of farming is intensified to produce high yields hence considered to produce more to fetch
monetary returns.
3. The quality of the products / produce has been enhanced to attract more consumers hence fetch high
returns on sale.
4. Record keeping especially in animal and crop production to follow their performance has increased and
carefully done to keep on improving for better produce and production.
5. Less and careful use of chemicals is emphasized for produce and products to be marketed even to world
market or foreign countries.
6. Free markets are being established throughout the country to allow traders to buy and market their
produce easily and profitably. Small scale traders in both agriculture products are encouraged to
reached the farmers by all means.
7. Small scale farmers are using machines like the chaff cutters, bush cutters, motor and tricycles to
enhance production and transportation of produce from the farm
8. Information technology is used to educate the small scale farmers about the weather, markets trends,
workshops, international trade fair connected with agriculture.
9. Roadside promotion are carried out to reach the farmers and show them new technology to enhance
agricultural practice and transform them to businesses.
10. Television programs like shamba shape up deliver good education in good farming practice and there
after transform farming to a business.

joseph rimiru answered the question on September 26, 2017 at 17:02

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