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State the responsibilities of the living to the ancestors.


State the responsibilities of the living to the ancestors.



i. Pour libation to them.
ii. Sacrifice to them.
iii. Name their children after them
iv. Venerate them through prayers.
v. Respect their resting places.
vi. Invite them to social functions/invoke their names.
vii. Obey their wishes/will.
viii. Teach their children about them.
ix. Appease them or keep them happy.
x. Build shrines for them.


1. Naming children afar them
2. Invoking their names in ceremonies
3. Building shrines for them
4. Taking care of their graves
5. Obeying and carrying out their wishes
6. Teaching their children about their ancestors
7. Appeasing and keeping them happy
8. Offering them sacrifices
9. Consulting them through diviners
10. Addressing them by their proper titles and names
11. Praying to God through them
12. Praising them through songs
gideon1 answered the question on September 26, 2017 at 10:38

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