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Explain the New Testament teaching about the unity of believers using the metaphor of the Bride.


Explain the New Testament teaching about the unity of believers using the metaphor of the Bride.



-Christians are the bride awaiting for the bride groom.
-Jesus Christ is the divine bridegroom seeking for his bride.
-The bride’s patience in union with Christ will not be in vain.
-Their relationship will be of joy. i.e. no pain ,mourning or death.
-The bride is God’s own choice.
-In this union God cannot tolerate any rivalry.
-The bride is expected to remain pure(righteous)as she awaits for the bridegroom.
-Their relationship is based on faithfulness.
-At the end of times the bridegroom will take the bride to his new home (heaven/new Jerusalem)
gideon1 answered the question on September 26, 2017 at 11:22

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