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Using Kenyan context, explain why curriculum innovation should be an on-going activity


Using Kenyan context, explain why curriculum innovation should be an on-going activity.



Change is inevitable the reason being that development in technology, social, way of life, status of health, standards of living and the literacy levels.
Kenyan curriculum should change to take care of the needs arising from these changes. For example technology change calls for more innovations in the curriculum where it take care of thing s like social media, the use of internet, the use of cell phone, and now smart phones. One should be updated all the time.
Social change – the community has changed the social organization is not the way it used to be some years back. So one should taught how to adjust accordingly. Some traditions have died and others are emerging slowly.
Way of life- school should teach and evolve as life style is changing day by day. One can even learn through online without going to school hence need for change to verify what is learnt meet the required standards.

joseph rimiru answered the question on September 27, 2017 at 17:26

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