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Narrate the feeding of the 5000. Luke 9:10-17


Narrate the feeding of the 5000. Luke 9:10-17



After the return of the 12 disciple from their mission Jesus took them to a quite place in
the town of Bethsaida.
A crowd of about 5000 people followed him to whom he preached about the kingdom of
The disciples requested Jesus to release the people to look for food.
Jesus told the disciples to give people something to eat.
The disciples were in dilemma because they did not have enough food to feed the people
Jesus told the disciples to organize the people into group of fifty.
He took five loaves ,two fish prayed and broke them.
He asked the disciple to distribute to the people .
The crowd ate to its full and left remains that filled 12 baskets.
gideon1 answered the question on September 27, 2017 at 06:21

Next: Describe the events that took place when Jesus accompanied his parents for the Passover Feast in Jerusalem. Luke 2:41-52.
Previous: What lessons do Christians learn about Jesus from the feeding of the 5000?

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