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Give five reasons why some people practice celibacy as an alternative to marriage.


Give five reasons why some people practice celibacy as an alternative to marriage.



To dedicate one’s life to serving God.
Demanding career.
Lack of guidance and counseling.
Discouragement from failed marriage.
Economics independence on the part of the woman.
Parental interference on the choice of spouse.
Psychological and emotional problems.
Disappointing relationship.


Why are many people opting for celibacy instead of marriage today?

Celibacy is used to refer to the unmarried.
Many remain single today because of Christianity – to serve God.
Some are born Eunuchs – cannot father children.
Education – one may want to pursue education
Career demands – too demanding to allow one get time for a family.
Lack of guidance and counseling on marriage and family.
Discouragement from failing marriages.
Economic reasons – one may not have money for a big house, wedding and bringing up a
Poor health e.g. epilepsy
Economic independence – whereby young people feel satisfied when they have enough
Parental interference – or whom their son should marry.
Disappointing relationships.
gideon1 answered the question on September 27, 2017 at 06:26

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