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Explain the factors for India's industrial advancement


Explain the factors for India's industrial advancement.



1. The Indian government has embarked on vigorous ambitious industrial programmes

2. Ready market at home and abroad to facilitate the development of industry

3. High degree of entrepreneurship and risk undertaking by Indian nationals

4. Historical contact with industrialised Europe beginning from the 15th century. Portuguese, Dutch, French and British traders
set up industries

5. The British colonial government encouraged the industrial development by construction of railways and roads linking the main
agricultural and trading centres

6. Presence of many mineral resources such as coal, iron ore and manganese for the development of heavy industries

7. Energy resources have been developed from local and hydro-electricity support from Britain, USSR and USA who provide loans
and technical advice to Indian industrialists
johnmulu answered the question on January 31, 2017 at 05:10

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