What were the causes of Second World War?


State the causes of the Second World War (1939-1945).



i) Rise of dictators in Germany and Italy
ii) The policy of appeasement practiced by Britain and France encouraged aggression
iii) The rearmament of Germany created tension
iv) Hitler’s determination to restore German’s lost glory
v) Military alliances encouraged acts of aggressions
vi) Growth of nationalism in Europe made countries inward looking
vii) The great economic depression of 1929 – 1931 caused economic problems that led to conflict among of Poland marked the beginning of Second World War


1. On August 9, 1945 the Americans bombed Nagasaki and Japan surrendered on August 14, 1945.

2. On the 1, September 1939, Germany attacked Poland and in April 1940, she invaded Denmark and Norway

3. Germany and Italian Allies attacked their neigbours culminating in the declaration of war by Britain and France

4. Between August and September 1940, the German Air Force bombers attacked Britain

5. The British attacked Berlin from the English Channel and forced the German's to divert their campaigns to the East

6. In June 1942, Germans attacked Russia

7. On November 8th, 1942, American reinforcements landed in morocco and in May 1941 when Japan attacked their base in the

8. Germans and Italians declared war on America in support of the Axis members

9. Anglo-American forces in 1943 attacked Italy from Sicily and then headed for Rome

10. American soldier attacked Germany forcing Hilter to commit suicide in 1945

11. On August 6, 1945 the Americans bombed Hiroshima killing more than 75,000 people
johnmulu answered the question on January 31, 2017 at 05:28

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