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In three ways how did the entry of USA in the Second World War lead to its endings.


In three ways how did the entry of USA in the Second World War lead to its endings.



- Some member states refused to take disputes to the Court of Justice.
- Germany’s determination to strengthen her armed forces.
- Versailles’s treaty imposed harsh conditions on Germany.
- National interests that pre occupied individual nations.
- It lacked executive power and authority to implement its resolutions.
- Refusal by U.S.A to joined denied it economic strength.
- Some members left the league e.g. Japan, Italy, Brazil.
- Shortage of funds to implement its needs.
- Appeasement policy of British to France.
- Covenant of the League never forbid war.
- The League was dominated by the winners of WWI thus it was Partial.
gideon1 answered the question on September 27, 2017 at 09:41

Next: Explain the factors that undermined the effectiveness of the League of Nations.
Previous: Explain the political results of Second World War.

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