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Give five reasons why it is important to study history.


Give five reasons why it is important to study history.



Why is it important to study history?

a) History enables us to appreciate people’s evolution, origin of cultures and development and
hence further good relations and remove biases and prejudices about other people.
b) When we study history, we appreciate people’s contribution to national development. E.g.
freedom fighters hence the importance of mutual and social responsibility.
c) It helps us to know the origin of mankind, his development and the progress he has made to
this day.
d) We are able to understand our culture and appreciate the culture of other people.
e) it instills a sense of patriotism and nationalism among citizens as they learn of the past
political developments of their country. Its study inspires strong feelings of one’s heritage and
the sense of belonging to a particular country.
f) It helps us understand the interdependence of mankind and hence the need for cooperation.
g) It influences career choice. The study of history leads to various professions. E.g. law,
diplomacy, church, politics, teaching, and administration.
h) The study of history helps us comprehend the social, economic and political developments of
our societies
i) It gives time and space to past events. Through the study of history, we learn about the time
and place where an event took place. E.g. we know when Mau Mau uprising broke out (1948)
and know when Kenya gained independence.
j) It helps us develop a critical mind as we try to explain historical events. Historians will ask
why, when and how.
k) It provides intellectual fulfillment to the learner. Through an in-depth study of history, one’s
mind is enriched.


Assumption of knowledge about the past

ii) Using it to develop a sense of time

iii) To develop a sense of belonging/culture

iv) To learn from past mistakes and achievement

v) Provide intellectual fulfilment

vi) To develop critical thinking/reasoning

vii) Helps us appreciate why we need a government

viii) Instill a sense of patriotism and national pride

ix) Helps us in attainment of a profession
gideon1 answered the question on September 27, 2017 at 10:55

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