What are the features of the constitution of Kenya?


What are the features of the constitution of Kenya?



The Kenyan Constitution has 261 articles divided into 18 chapters.
It declares the sovereignty of the people of Kenya and the supremacy of the constitution itself.
It provides for a sovereign multi-party republic.
It outlines the entitlements of citizens and acquisition and revocation of citizenship.
It contains a chapter on the Bill of Rights which outlines the application, implementation and limitation of the rights.
It outlines the principles of land policy and types of land holdings and environmental of the natural resources.
It states the responsibilities and conduct of the public officers.
It outlines the general principles of the electoral system and process and establishes an Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission.
The Legislature is bicameral consisting of the Senate and the National Assembly.
There is an Executive arm of the government consisting of the President, Deputy President,and the Cabinet.
The President is the Head of State and government.
There is an independent judiciary composed of a system of courts with superior courts and subordinate courts.
The government is devolved with the National Government delegating some powers to the County Government.
There provisions of equitable sharing of national revenue between the National and County government's taxation and borrowing funds.
It establishes commissions such as the Public Service Commission,Judicial Service Commission and the Teachers Service Commission.
It establishes the National Security organs namely, the Kenya Defence Forces, the National Intelligence Service and the National Police Service.
It gives two ways through which the constitution may be amended.

Mohaissack answered the question on September 27, 2017 at 17:35

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