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"'Twilight Trek 'is a story about lost opportunities."Using this story for your illustrations ,write an essay to justify this statement.


"'Twilight Trek 'is a story about lost opportunities."Using this story for your illustrations ,write an essay to justify this statement.



This question is really about expectation and disillusionment. Many Africans from Sub Saharan Africa ,particularly,are trooping to Europe,the modern Canaan,where there is plenty of milk and honey.Many Africans immigrate to Europe mainly to look for work.

The mother countries of these illegal immigrants are free,independent countries,which are supposed to provide opportunities for their citizens ;opportunities for work that would lead to good comfortable lives for them.

Instead,these countries are characterized by hardships which push people to make extreme decisions.Like there is poverty which makes people like the mother of the narrator to engage in prostitution and solicit all sorts of men,forcing her son to flee home when she forced him into the same,war and insecurity,unemployment and poor infrastructure.

The way religion is presented in the story ,it is best with hypocrisy.Two examples will suffice:one at the beggining of the story,the narrator refers to Moslem women shrouded in robes' cooking the mid-day meal.He expected that being 'good moslems' they would share the meal with a hungry stranger like him,but he is disappointed.Two patience is constantly reading her bible.One would imagine that she is now a reformed prostitute;but as the story unfolds,it becomes clear that she intends to continue with the trade once she reaches Europe ;she appears to use the Bible as a cover to shield her true self and to culculate the narrator's confidence enough for her to con him out of his hard earned money.Indeed,in the end she vanishes and the narrator is left stranded.

The conclusion is that Africans never learn from their experience as indicated so clearly by the narrators mother in his dreams.The truth of the matter is that modern stories of African exodus are stories of despair and disillusionment that bear little encouragement and hope for those demurring for a better life in Europe.
marto answered the question on September 28, 2017 at 07:07

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