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Write an essay entitled 'At the centre of the family sits a woman.'Using Illustrations from the River and the Source.


Write an essay entitled 'At the centre of the family sits a woman.'Using Illustrations from the River and the Source.



In the life of a family the pivotal role that the woman plays cannot be overlooked.Cases to be considered include the following:

Akoko is described as the bed rock of her family.She was born at a time when men never held women at a high esteem and they were overall in everything.The father at first mistakes her for another son ,but when he learns that otherwise,he changes tune.As the only girl in a household full of boys ,she becomes the centre of attention and interest.There is a paradigm shift when Chief Odero Gogni begins to dote on her.She becomes the pride of the father.Indeed,when the time comes for the girl to be married,the father looks for the best stock in the market. Akoko does not disappoint.The husband,young Chief Owour Kembo, Instantly falls in love with her,something unheard of in those days because people did not marry out of love .We are told that the husband spent most of his time in her hut,and still yet did not accept the issue of polygamy so that Akoko remained to be the Mikai. When Chief Owour died,Akoko took care of her children with proper foundation and upbringing.

Nyabera is the only daughter of Akoko. The mother prepares her well for family life.When she marries,she holds her family together,again generating wealth and love like her mother before her.After the death of her mother,she gives direction to Elizabeth and Peter.

Elizabeth plays a pivotal role in the Sigu family life.The Aoro -Tony-Opiyo Odongo swimming incident provides a good example of what a woman can do to provide stability in the family.When Aoro was suspended from school,Elizabeth remains in the background but effectively monitoring everything with a keeness that does not miss the husband's notice.

Wandia plays a pivotal role in the Aoro family life,just like Elizabeth.She ensures that Aoro remains part and parcel of the family.Daniels case comes to mind ,a very traumatizing experience that affects the parents in a way that could easily have torn them apart.She is able to combine and juggle parenthood,being a wife and a career woman successfully. This is because she understands her role in each situation and is able to convince her husband that in spite of everything,they are family.
marto answered the question on September 28, 2017 at 07:39

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