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Using Illustrations from Ssegawa's The War of The Ears' Write a composition about dehumanising conditions during war.


Using Illustrations from Ssegawa's The War of The Ears' Write a composition about dehumanising conditions during war.



To dehumanize is to make someone less human by taking away his or her individuality,the creative and interesting aspects of his or her personality,his or her compassion and sensitivity towards others.It is to take away the qualities of something that makes it able to meet human needs and desires or enhance people's lives.

Major Azizima is a child soldier who is fourteen years old.His mother is murdered by members of God's Victorious Brigade,and his father tortured and murdered by the government forces.He is forced to cut off his mothers ear,something which haunts him. His siblings have disappeared.He is now on revenge mission,which is directed at innocent people.His mindless and blood-thirsty behavior is demonstrated when his group captures an innocent villager looking for medication for his ailing wife.They viciously chop off his ear and then shove him off.Their leader goes further tells the man to be happy that he has become part of God's grand plan,as he puts the ear in his trophy paunch and calmly wipes the dagger on the man's shirt.These actions are devoid of any human feelings.

The rebel soldier lives a life of animals,in the bushes.The three boys in Colonel Kalo's group operate virtually at night,walking long distances to execute their heinous act,when everybody else is either sleeping or indoors.The place had the feel of a dead town,with no light anywhere.Shielded by shrubs,they lay in the wet grassland waited.

Colonel Kalo's letter is another indication that during war human needs,including safety and education of the children does ot matter at all.The threatening letter promises dire consequences to Ma Beeda should she not heed the message of the letter."And as the ancient saying goes,ears which do not listen to their master get chopped off.You are next".
The rebels have vandalised and destroyed everything in the countryside ,electricity being one of the.They steal people's bulls and goods like Coca-Cola without feeling an iota of guilt.

marto answered the question on September 28, 2017 at 08:06

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