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Describe the economic importance of (i) Fungi (ii) Bacteria


Describe the economic importance of
(i) Fungi
(ii) Bacteria



i. Fungi
•some cause decay to our food
•some cause diseases to humans and animals e.g. ringworms
•may be used as food e.g. mushrooms, yeast
•some are used in production of antibiotics e.g. penicillin, chloromycin, streptomycin
•yeast is used in brewing industry, baking and source of vitamin B
•many cause diseases to our crops e.g. late blight
•important in recycling nutrients in soil since they cause decay of organic matter
• mycorrhizal association in forest development may help in water intake/absorption
•help in nitrogen fixation

•are useful in the manufacture of antibiotics
•silage formation,
•fermentation of cheese, butter, milk yoghurt
•curing of tea, tobacco and retting flax
•formation of vitamin B12 and K
•enzymes such as amylase and invertase
•hormones such as insulin
•vinegar, acetic acid, lactic acid, citric acid
•in septic tanks and modern sewage works make use of bacteria
•biogas production
•saprophytic bacteria are used in compost decomposition or cause decay
•symbiotic bacteria are used in compost decomposition or cause decay
•symbiotic bacteria in herbivores/ruminants help in digestion
•some diseases in animals/humans and plants are caused by bacteria
•many bacteria cause food spoilage/decay
•nitrifying and nitrogen fixing bacteria increase soil fertility/make nitrates available
•denitrifying bacteria reduce soil fertility/convert nitrates into nitrogen/reduce nitrates

johnmutuku answered the question on September 28, 2017 at 10:37

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