State the terms of the Coryndon Treaty between Lewanika and the British in 1900


State the terms of the Coryndon Treaty between Lewanika and the British in 1900.



1. Lewanika was made paramount chief of the Barotse

2. Lewanika was to stop slavery and witchcraft in his area

3. BSAC maintained its to prospect for minerals in Bulozi

4. BSAC was allowed to acquire land on the Batoka plateau

5. The British government would be responsible for administration of Bulozi

6. BSAC would appoint officials and pay for the administration of the area

7. BSAC would provide schools, industries, postal services, transport and telegraphic facilities

8. Lewanika would receive 850 Sterling pounds a year as stipend

9. Traditional Lozi rights over game, iron working and tree cutting for canoe building were guaranteed
johnmulu answered the question on January 31, 2017 at 08:58

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