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Explain six problems faced by the League of Nations.


Explain six problems faced by the League of Nations.



? The league of Nations not comprehensive enough as the major world powers remained outside it.
USA was not a member of the league. U.S.S.R joined in 1934 while Japan, Germany and Italy left
the league.
? It lacked the executive and sovereign authority to impose its rules and demands on the member
? Member states jealously safeguarded their sovereign and national interests which sometimes
went counter to those of the league.
? League of Nation lacked a military machinery with which to affect its decisions.
? League of Nations suffered perpetually from shortage of funds hence could not implement its
? Policy of appeasement adopted by the British and French governments towards the upcoming
dictators in Italy,
Japan and Germany encouraged aggressive practices.
? The League of Nation relied on the good will of the member states which was not always
? Some member states withdrew from the League of Nations whenever their activities came under
criticism i.e. Japan, Brazil and Italy.
? The League of Nations was unable to settle disputes between the member states i.e. Italian
invasion of Ethiopia in 1935 – 1936
? Sino – Japanese dispute of 1931 – 1933
? Russian invasion of Finland in 1939
gideon1 answered the question on September 28, 2017 at 15:27

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