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Explain the consequences of the Apportionment Act on Africans in Southern Rhodesia


Explain the consequences of the Apportionment Act on Africans in Southern Rhodesia.



1. In urban centres, there was racial segregation in the provision of services, with Africans getting the worst facilities

2. Many taxes were imposed on the Africans in order to compel them to provide labour to the Europeans

3. Politically, expropriation of land became the most serious grievance held by the African population

4. Most Africans were forced to be migrant labourers as they were given little and unproductive land

5. The Act resulted in the Alienation of land where by African areas suffered from serious overgrazing and soil erosion

6. There was widespread poverty among the Africans. Those who went to work in urban centres lived in slums while those in
reserves faced starvation

7. Social roles were disrupted in serves leaving the women to do jobs formely done by men
johnmulu answered the question on January 31, 2017 at 12:20

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