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What is the importance of biodiversity? Give ways of improving biodiversity.


What is the importance of biodiversity? Give ways of improving biodiversity.



Intrinsic values.Biodiversity has its own intrinsic values of human needs.All elements in biodiversity they depend on each other.
Utility values.Biodiversity is a large in wild and domesticated form, is the source for most of human's food,medicine,clothing and housing.
Protection of the environment.Biological productivity that is soil protection by maintenance of biological diversity.Cleaning of water and air and even nutrient storage and cycling.
Scientific role.It gives an idea of life style of each species to scientists.In addition,biodiversity helps scientists understand how life functions and the role of each species in sustaining ecosystems.
Tourism.The places which are the source of any kind of biodiversity,generate a scope of tourism.
The tourists willing to protect the birds,plants and animals of that place will increase the of people and create a source of finance.

Strict protection against poaching of endangered species of both vegetation as well as animal sources.
Multiplication and restoration of endangered species should be practiced to improve biodiversity.
By reserving biosphere which offers the best site of natural conservation of threatened flora and fauna.
Soil hydro-logic changes including surface run-off and percolation pattern to be protected area should be taken care of.
Interlinking between animal and plant species is necessary.

ERICK MOGAKA answered the question on October 2, 2017 at 08:30

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