1. Language Barrier
-Inability to communicate due to the interviewer and the respondent not sharing the same language or respondents may be illiterate and thus unable to fill questionnaire. The problems are:
- Data may not be collected
- Illiterate people may give wrong answers while attempting questionnaires
- An interpreter may have to be engages who would be paid which would raise costs.
- Answers may be distorted by the interpreter
2. Hostility
Those being approached to give answers may become harsh due to feeling that their time is being wasted which would cause the field study to be unsuccessful.
3. Dishonest Respondents
-Respondents giving wrong information due to suspicion fear of shame or superstition.
4. Bad Weather
-Raining heavily making it impossible to proceed with data collection and difficulty in movement.
-Becoming very hot making participants uncomfortable and thus unable to proceed with data collection smoothly.
-Becoming misty or foggy causing invisibility problems.
5. Accidents in the Field
One may fall and get injured when walking on rugged areas.
Injuries may result when using tools to get samples by cutting using pangas or knives and digging using hoes.
6. Attacks by Wild Animals
-Participants may encounter wild animals when carrying out the study in bushy areas e.g. snakes which may bite them, rhinos which may charge at them, etc.
7. Inaccessibility
-physical barriers such as swamps, rivers without bridges, steep slopes and thick vegetation may hinder participants from reaching areas with vital information.
marto answered the question on September 29, 2017 at 12:45
- Identify the old one out in terms of pronunciation.(Solved)
Identify the old one out in terms of pronunciation.
i)pleasure sugar leisure
ii)champion Chevrolet champagne
iii)conscious conscience science
iv)azure zeal xerox
v)respond resist recommend
Date posted: September 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- Where would you place stress in the stress in the capitalized words.(Solved)
i)Never INSULT your colleague whatever the circumstances.
ii)Giddo's TRANSFER has been approved.
Date posted: September 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- It is late afternoon.There is a talk going on in the main hall,but you observe that quite a number of the members of the audience...(Solved)
It is late afternoon.There is a talk going on in the main hall,but you observe that quite a number of the members of the audience are restless or dozing.What could be the problem.
Date posted: September 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- Find five pairs of words that are pronounced the same in the following list.(Solved)
i)bury ii)moan iii)father iv)bred v)cut vi)cart vii)mud viii)ewe ix)sea x)mark xi)mourn xii)plane xiii)farther
xiv)you xv)berry xvi)bread xvii)see xviii)marque xix)mad
Date posted: September 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- Show the part you would stress in the following words.(Solved)
Date posted: September 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- Identify the silent letter in each of the following words.(Solved)
i)Castle ii)rapport iii)scheme iv)coup
Date posted: September 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- Mention any four things you must do before, during and after an interview.(Solved)
Mention any four things you must do before, during and after an interview.
Date posted: September 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- Read the poem below and answer the questions on it.(Solved)
I'm told that the spider
Has coiled up inside her
Enough silky material
To spin an aerial
One-way track
To the moon and back;
Whilst I
Cannot even catch a fly.
i)Describe the rhyme scheme of the poem.
ii)Explain two effects of rhyme in the poem.
iii)Line 5 and 6 contradict each other.How would you say these lines so as to bring out the contradiction.
Date posted: September 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- Imagine you have been invited to speak about the role of the youth in community leadership at the annual party of your youth group.(Solved)
i)Mention the things you would do to ensure that your speech is successful.
ii)Mention five non-verbal cues you would use to make the speech effective.
Date posted: September 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- Identify the odd one out in terms of pronunciation.(Solved)
i)bury, bug, bed
ii)insult, blood, salt
iii)abundant,pulpit, pun
v)paid, said, set
Date posted: September 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- Classify this piece of oral literature.(Solved)
kinya kiri itina nikio kiigaga(kikuyu)
(A gourd with a botton places itself.)
a)classify this piece of oral literature.
b)How is the above item used.
Date posted: September 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- Give an example of the performance of a riddle.(Solved)
Give an example of the performance of a riddle.
Date posted: September 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- Identify four examples of onomatopoeia i this text.(Solved)
The car screeched to a sudden stop.This was followed by screams and howls as the passengers banged their heads against the seats in front of them or smashed through the windscreen........
Date posted: September 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- Identify three words in the following sentences where there is assonance.(Solved)
'Sokoya,'I said,'looking through the net of wrinkles into wise black pools of her eyes.'
Date posted: September 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- For each of the following state which part of the capitalized you would stress.(Solved)
i)The Cabinet Secretary for Tourism says the PROSPECT is good for the industry.
ii)Mohamed Ashad doesn't RESPECT authority.
iii)We MANAGED to reach home before midnight.
iv)There is no ACCESS to my bedroom through the main sitting room.
v)The police officer COMMANDED me to stop.
Date posted: September 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- For each of the words below,provide another word that is pronounced in the same way:(Solved)
i) here
ii) hymn
iii) hair
iv) die
v) key
Date posted: September 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- Indicate by using a stress mark which syllable of the word in capital is stressed to bring out the correct meaning of the word in...(Solved)
i)We do not PROTEST the seizure of land.
ii)English is not a SUBJECT for the faint hearted.
iii)The Maths CONTEST was a big challenge to us.
Date posted: September 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- Replace the capitalized phrasal verbs with other words of the same meaning.(Solved)
i)The chief Judge cannot be CORRUPTED.She is.............
ii)Mr Das behaves like a CHILD with his pet dog.He behaves.............in the park.
iii)The River and the Source has PLEASED immensely. It has given me great .......
IV)We need to MAINTAIN these machines.The principal told the parents that they would have to pay for the .........of the machines.
v)You must RESPECT the president of the republic,said the judge.The impetuous young man was then jailed for treating the president............
Date posted: September 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- Explain the difference in pairs between this pair of sentences.(Solved)
i)The thief ran so fast that I could not catch up with him.
ii)The thief ran fast so that I could not catch up with him.
Date posted: September 29, 2017. Answers (1)
- Rewrite the sentences below according to the instructions given after each.(Solved)
i)Because Rebecca was ill,the doctor advised her to stay at home.(Begin: Being......)
ii)My German teacher is going to Germany.She has got long leave.She want to be the official interpreter at the Kenyan Embassy in Berlin.(Rewrite as one sentence without using 'and' 'but' or 'so')
Date posted: September 29, 2017. Answers (1)