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State the advantages of the discovery of fire by early man.


What were the advantages of the discovery of fire by early man?



1. Enabled man to cook his food hence increasing the variety of his diet

2. Man used fire as a source of warmth

3. Man used fire to protect himself from wild animals

4. Man was able to make better tools by hardening tools using fire


Discuss the benefits of the discovery of fire to early man

i)The discovery and use of fire made it possible for early man to keep warm during cold nights and seasons

ii)Fire enhanced the security of early man as it was kept burning to keep away wild animals and other possible sources of danger

iii)It was a source of lighting at night which facilitated other productive activities at night

iv)Fire improved hunting activities of the early man as it was used to harden the tips of the tools for hunting

v)Early man used fire to extract poison from plants which they used for hunting

vi)Fire was used as a source of food preservation method

For example drying meat or fish

vii)Fire was used to attract animals towards set traps so that they were easily trapped

viii) Fire was used to cook food and make it palatable and more nutritious/tasty

ix)Fire was used to bake and harden wood for special use Eg stools and hoe

x)It was used for communication
johnmulu answered the question on January 31, 2017 at 12:57

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