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State reasons why Christians are opposed to euthanasia


State reasons why Christians are opposed to euthanasia




-God is the only one who gives life and thus should be the one to take it away.
-Euthanasia equals to murder which is biblically condemned/Thou shall not kill.
-It destroys God's image in human beings;
-Human judgement is limited and therefore cannot make correct decision on terminating the life of others;
-Medical ethics only allows a doctor to sustain life and not to take it away;
-It is against Jesus' mission on earth to heal the sick;
-Suffering is part of a christian's life from the teachings of Jesus and therefore it cannot be used to justify euthanasia;
-The works of mercy involve saving life/not destroying it;
-It is a constitutional right to uphold human life.


Give reasons why Christians are against Euthanasia

- Life is sacred and holy God has the right to take it away.
- Euthanasia is against the ethnics and ethos of medical profession.
- Euthanasia infringe on other people’s rights Christians have bear suffering and
not end their lives or that of others which is the cost of discipleship.
- Accepting Euthanasia weakened the societies respect to life.
- Some patients have recovered after years of deep coma, thus switching off life- supporting machines is morally wrong.
- Euthanasia is contrary to the teachings and works of Jesus Christ in the restoration of human life.
- Accepting euthanasia discourages medical research on vaccines that may cure various diseases
- Those who practice euthanasia render life meaningless by distorting its sanctify
- Euthanasia is equivalent to modes or suicide which is strongly condemned in the Bible.
- Every human being is created in the image of God.
john3 answered the question on September 29, 2017 at 17:50

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