What were the reasons for the failure of the Maji Maji Rebellion?


Give five reasons for the failure of the Maji Maji Rebellion.



1. The German had superior weapons and were more skilled in war

2. Failure of the magic water expected to immunize people against bullets

3. Lack of unity among fighting groups e.g. Matumbi revolted before other were ready

4. The capture and execution of African leaders e.g. Kinjekitile and Mpanda

5. Germans received reinforcements from Somali and Sudan

6. Famine in 1907 which made people abandon the war


What reasons led to the failure of Maji Maji rebellion in 1907?

i) Africans were not well organized in their resistance
Each Community fought on its own/lack of proper coordination

ii) The magic water failed to protect Africans from German bullets leading to the death of African soldiers into the battle

iii) The Africans did not unite to face the common enemy, for example, the Hehe and Nyamwezi did not join the revolt/lack of unity

iv) The Germans received reinforcement from Germany and other colonies and their number overwhelmed the African soldiers

v) Africans soldiers lacked enough weapons to use against the Germans

vi) The ruthlessness of the German soldiers in crushing the rebellion eg use of scorched earth policy

vii) Capture and execution of leaders demoralized the warriors
johnmulu answered the question on February 1, 2017 at 11:34

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