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Explain four ways in which volcanic features positively influence human activities.


Explain four ways in which volcanic features positively influence human activities.



-Volcanic rocks weather and form fertile soils which support agriculture.
-Volcanic mountains/highlands attract high rainfall on the windward side which is a source of rivers
that provide water for domestic/individual use.
-Volcanic mountains/highlands attract high relief rainfall on the windward slope which encourage
agriculture and settlement.
-Volcanic mountains influence formation of relief rainfall that support forests on the mountain
slope which are exploited for timber and construction materials.
-Some volcanic rocks are important building and construction materials promoting this industry
e.g. phonolites.
-Steam jets and geysers provide suitable sites for generation of geothermal power.
-Volcanic eruption form pipes with valuable minerals which are mined and sold to generate
gideon1 answered the question on September 29, 2017 at 18:37

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