State three factors that have led to growth of Johannesburg


State three factors that have led to growth of Johannesburg.



1. The discovery of gold led to its growth.
2. There was large number of population to provide labour which was to be used in industries and mines.
3. The government initiated policies that favoured industries and encouraged their establishment in Johannesburg.
4. The location of the town on a veld (plain) near the Vaal River made construction work easy and development.
5. The availabity of coal which served as the major source of the city’s energy.
6. There was a variety of industries like iron, diatomite and chloride.
7. There was availability of food stuffs grown in the province that ensured food stability.
8. The banking services were introduced in Johannesburg to serve the mines.
johnmulu answered the question on February 1, 2017 at 11:54

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