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Explain Jeremiah's symbolic acts related to hope and restoration


Explain Jeremiah's symbolic acts related to hope and restoration



(Jer 24:10-32, 32:1-14).
(a) The vision of two baskets of figs (Jer
This basket had bad and good fruits. The good
fruits represented the exiles who were deported to
Babylon. This symbolized the people whom God
would preserve to make his new covenant with.
(b) The buying of a field (Jer 32:1-15}
God instructed Jeremiah to buy a piece of land
from his cousin. This was a sign that there was
hope God would./bring back his people to Israel
from where they had been taken into exile.
They would come back into their land and
cultivate their lands and grow crops again.
(c) The letter to the exiles (Jer 29:4-7)
God inspired Jeremiah to write a letter to the
exiles which encouraged them and gave them
hope. In it God promised to bring them back to
Judah after 70"years.
(d) The yoke (Jer 30:8)
The yoke was a sign of captivity and suffering.
However it symbolizes hope. If they subjected to
the Babylonians. After a period of time the yoke
would be broken and they would no longer be
under foreign rule.
kirn answered the question on September 30, 2017 at 17:34

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