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The diagram below represents the structure of the earth. Use it to answer question


The diagram below represents the structure of the earth. Use it to answer question
(a) Name:
(i) the layers marked E and F.
(ii) the minerals that make up the layer marked G.
(b) Give two effects of the rotation of the earth on its axis.



(a) (i) E - Lithosphere/ Crust

F - Mantle

(ii) G - Iron and Nickel

(b) - Causes day and night

- Causes the deflection of winds and ocean currents to the right in the northern hemisphere and to the left in the southern hemisphere.

- Causes variation in speed winds and air masses

- Causes the difference of an hour between two longitudes which are 15o apart

- Causes rise and fall of ocean tides.
johnmulu answered the question on September 30, 2017 at 08:20

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