Explain a typical dose response curve in environmental toxicology?


Explain a typical dose response curve in environmental toxicology?



1. phase 1. potency phase
It is at low doses,
The curve is flat because the dose is too low to elicit measurable response
Potency is determined by the toxicokinetics of the drug and its inherent ability to bind with the receptors.
A toxicant with lower potency will require larger dose to bring about its effect.

Phase 2; Slope or Gradient
The curve climbs upward as bigger doses elicit corresponding bigger responses (linear slope)
The linear slope can be used in prediction of response to a certain dose of toxicant.
this is the phase that the dose-response relationship is graded
It can also be used to identify the potency of unknown substance.

Phase 3; Maximal efficacy
Here the curve levels off
largest effect that a drug can produce = height of highest possible y-value of the dose-response curve
when drug plateaus, then it has reached its maximal efficacy
Bigger doses are unable to elicit a further increase in response.
This is the maximum effect produced by a drug.
It is represented by the plateau in the dose response curve.
Drugs can have the same potency but different maximal efficacy.
Frederick paul answered the question on January 29, 2020 at 18:26

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