Discuss the importance and functions of environmental impact assessment?


Discuss the importance and functions of environmental impact assessment?



EIA is an important management tool for improving the long-term viability of projects, can help to avoid mistakes that can be expensive and damaging in environmental, social and economic terms.
Human activities are altering natural cycles and systems on an unprecedented scale, and the cumulative effects of these activities are estimated to be on per with bio-physical processes as an agent of ecological change

Usually, the cost of undertaking an EIA accounts for only a small proportion of total project costs (usually less than 0.1% of overall project costs), but savings to the project from an impact assessment can often considerably more.

EIA is used for early warning planning of a wide range of resource use, development, and conservation initiatives in order to make the most of options for achieving sustainability.

It is now considered that the impact of human activities on the biosphere is reaching critical thresholds, with the consequent threat of ecological breakdown and social conflict.

Thus, the use of EIA to choose the best project or options can help in the achievement of sustainable development.

Frederick paul answered the question on January 30, 2020 at 08:13

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