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Read the poem below and then answer the questions that follow.


Read the poem below and then answer the questions that follow.

High up in his cabin
Hard - hatred
Gloved hands,
Extensions of levers,
The driver-

Down there
The woman
And dragging out

And the blade chews up her meagre shelter
Scrapes away the heartstones
Leaving a nice smooth surface
High up in the cabin
He could not perhaps
Have heard her please
Above the din of machine
Could not possibly have seen her
Through the thick goggle darkness,
Small as she was

Or was busy perhaps
About his family of five
Boxed in one room
Council house
Not far off

a)Waht is the poem about?

b)Identify and illustrate two sound patterns in the poem.

c)What is the effect of repeating the words 'nice smooth surface'?

d)Identify the irony in the poem.

e)Pick out an instance of personification and comment on its effectiveness.

f)Explain the mood of the poem.

g)Identify one theme from the poem.



a)The poem is about
-The destruction of a woman's humble abode by a bulldozer driven by a town/ city council askari;

-Who seems to be under instruction and not to even think about the suffering person whose house he demolishes;

- Yet he himself seems to live in deplorable conditions with a family of five in a single roomed house.

b)Sound patterns in the poem include
-hard hatred
-heard her pleas

-in his cabin
-heard her
-din of the machine

c)What is the effect of repeating the words
-The effect of repeating words is to pass the intended meaning, message e.g 'nice smooth surface' brings out the meaning that nothing is left behind or is salvaged,
-and in the same breath brings out the sarcasm to show how uncaring the driver is.

d)The irony is that
the driver demolishes the poor woman's meagre shelter without feeling,
yet he himself is not living a better life as he is in poor living quarters- one roomed house with a family of five.

e)Personification is seen in the blade chewing up the woman's meagre shelter;
It has been effective because it is able to bring out the image of a person, who eats up everything set before him without leaving behind even a tiny morsel, so the machine eats up everything.

f)The mood of the poem is:
-desperate / helplessness then hopelessness.
-At the beginning when the machine comes and the woman is pleading with the driver, the mood is desperate and helpless as she can't do anything to salvage her belongings.
-the mood changes to hopelessness after the bulldozer flattens the woman's abode, and when the driver is reflecting on the kind of house he lives in.

g)One theme in the poem is
the driver lives in a one roomed house with a family of five

-The woman is left hopeless after her house is demolished.

iii)Problems of housing in towns/ cities/problems of urbanization.The driver of the bulldozer lives in a small house with his large family

marto answered the question on March 9, 2020 at 11:44

Next: Read the poem below and then answer the questions that follow.
Previous: Read the song below and answer the questions that follow.

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  • Read the poem below and then answer the questions that follow.(Solved)

    Read the poem below and then answer the questions that follow.


    Super - revolutionary mouths
    In between puffs of cigarettes
    Water - tight truths.

    The common man i.e
    Working man and woman
    To be exact-
    Must be helped by us
    To wake to their oppressed status
    We must raise the masses' consciousnesses!
    But - gesturing left hand hands
    In between
    Drop vampire BAT butts on the floor
    Swept daily by women
    Faceless and nameless

    In the help- self places
    Nani, wee, and ai - sei
    Clear the directionless mess
    Splashed by the directional
    Here,too,in beery bowls
    They find floating yellowed butts
    The tail -ends of bitter truths
    (Adapted from Boundless voices edited by Arthur I Luvai

    a)What is the poem about.?

    b)Who do you think are the super - revolutionary mouths in line 1

    c)What is the irony in the poem?

    d)A part from irony identify and illustrate two more features of style used in the poem.

    e)How does the poet feel about the peoplke he describes in line 1?

    f)Why do you think the poet refers to the women sweepers as faceless and nameless?

    g)Describe the tone of the poem.

    h)Give the meaning of these words as used in the poem.
    i)water - tight


    iii) oppressed

    Date posted: March 9, 2020.  Answers (1)

  • Read the poem below and then answer the questions that follow.(Solved)

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    ILLEGAL BREW by Dr Noah Ndosi

    He was a man
    of favoured health
    whose speech was clarity
    a successful player
    in the mysterious game
    of fluctuating life
    The beginning
    was only a few sips;
    but each time he hit the fullness
    of bulging calabashes

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    adn remained
    firmly stuck in;
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    with intoxicating
    currents of alcohol,
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    swollen limbs.

    Beyond despair,
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    d)Identify an instances of contrast in the poem.

    e)What is the writer's attitude towards the subject matter in the poem?

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    Date posted: March 9, 2020.  Answers (1)

  • Read the poem below and then answer the questions that follow.(Solved)

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    When I see the beauty inon my beloved's face by Okot P' Bitek

    When I see the beauty on my
    Beloved's face,
    I throw away the food in my hand;
    Oh sister of the young man, listen;
    The beauty on my beloved's face
    Her neck is long, when I see it
    I cannot sleep one wink;
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    Her neck is like the shaft of the spear.

    When I touch the tattos on her back;
    I die;
    Oh, sister of the young man, listen;
    The tattoos on my beloved's back.

    When I see the gap on my beloveds teeth
    Her teeth are white like dry season simsim;
    Oh, daughter of my father in law, listen,
    The gap on my beloved,s teeth.

    The daughter of the bull confuses my head ,
    I have to marry her;
    True , sister of the young man, listen;
    The suppleness of my beloved's waist.

    i)Identify the speaker

    b) Identify and illustrate three poetic devices used by the poet

    c)Pick out 3 that the people fro where the poem is set use to define beauty in women.

    d)What solution does the speaker have to resolve the crisis he is in?

    e)What is the effect of repetition in the poem?

    f)Give the meaning of these words as used in the poem.

    Date posted: March 9, 2020.  Answers (1)

  • Read the poem below and then answer the questions that follow.(Solved)

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    Love is a universal migraine
    A bright stain on the vision
    Blotting out reason.
    Symptoms of true love
    Are leanness, jealousy,
    Laggard dawns;

    Are omens and nightmares-
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    Waiting for a sign:

    For a touch of her fingers
    In a darkened room,
    For a searching look

    Take courage,lover!
    Could you endure such pain
    At any hand but hers?

    a)What is the poem about?

    b)Identify and illustrate any two stylistic devises used by the poet.

    c)Which three words used in the poem show that true love is painful.

    d)What concrete evidence should a lover look for in true love?

    e)Identify the solution the speaker gives to the lover?

    f)Who is being addressed in this poem?Give evidence from the poem.

    g)Give the meaning of these words as used in the poem.

    Date posted: March 9, 2020.  Answers (1)

  • Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow. AFTER A WAR The outcome? Conflicting rumours..... As to what (Solved)

    Read the pom below and answer the questions that follow.


    The outcome? Conflicting rumours
    As to what faction murdered
    The one man who, had survived
    Might have ruled us without corruption
    Not matters now:
    We're busy collecting the dead
    Counting them, hard though it is
    To be sure what side they were on
    Whta 's left of their bodies and faces
    Tells of no need but for burial
    And mutilations was practices
    By right left and centre alike
    As for the children and women
    Who knows that they wanted
    Apart from the usual things?
    Food is scarce now, and men are scarce
    Whole villages burnt to the ground
    New cities in disrepair
    The war is over, somebody must have won
    Somebody will have won.When peace is declared

    a)What is the poem about?

    b)Outline four results of war

    c)Describe the mood of the poem

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    e)What points out that the killing were extremely inhuman?

    f)What were the poets feelings towards war?

    g)Give the meaning of these words as used in the poem



    Date posted: March 9, 2020.  Answers (1)

  • Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.(Solved)

    Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.

    Ocol rejects the old type
    He is in love with modern woman,
    He is in love with a beautiful girl
    Who speaks English

    But only recently
    We would sit close together, touching each other!
    Only recently I would play
    On my bow harp
    Singing praises to my beloved
    Only recently he promised
    That he trusted me completely
    I used to admire him speaking in English

    Ocol is no longer in love with old type;
    He is in love with a modern girl.
    The name of the beutiful one
    Is Clementine

    Brother ,when you see Clementine!
    The beautiful one aspires
    To look like a white woman.

    Her lips are red - hot
    Like glowing charcoal,
    She resembles the wild cat
    That has dipped its mouth in blood,
    Her mouth is like raw rays
    It looks like an open ulcer,
    Like the mouth of a fiend
    Tina dusts powder on her face
    And it looks so pale;
    She resembles the wizard
    Getting ready for the midnight dance.

    She dusts her ash - dirt all over her face
    And when little sweat
    Begins to appear on her body
    She looks like the guinea fowl!

    The smell of carbolic soap
    Makes me sick
    And the smell of powder
    Provokes the ghosts in my head;
    It is then necessary to fetch a goat from my mother's brother.
    The sacrifice over.
    The ghost- dance drum must sound
    The ghost be laid
    And my peace restored.

    I do not like dusting myself with powder
    The thing is good on pink skin because it is already pale,
    But when a black woman has used it
    She looks as if she has dysentery;
    Tina looks sickly
    And she is slow moving
    She is a piteous sight.

    a)Classify the genre above

    b)Identify the speaker

    c)Identify and illustrate two stylistic devices used by the writer.

    d)What is the speakers altitude towards the modern woman?

    e)Pick out three things the speaker feels an African woman should not do.

    f)What remedy does the speaker have for problems brought to her by the modern woman?

    g)Describe two character traits of the speaker

    h)Give the meaning of the following words as used in the text.


    Date posted: March 9, 2020.  Answers (1)

  • Read the following poem and then answer the questions that follow.(Solved)

    Read the following poem and then answer the questions that follow.


    Why do we grumble because a tree is bent?
    When in our streets, there are even men who are bent?
    Why do we complain that the new moon is slanting?
    Can anyone reach the sky to straighten it?
    Can't we see that some cocks have combs on their heads?
    but no plums in their tails?
    And some have plumes in their tails, but claws on their toes?

    And other have claws on their toes, but no weapon to crow?
    He who has a head has no cap to wear,
    And he who has a cap has no head to wear it on.
    The Owa has everything but a horse's stable
    Some scholars of Ifa cannot tell the way to Ofa
    Others know the way to Ofa, but not alien of Ofa
    Great eaters have no food to eat,
    And great drinkers no wine to drink
    Wealth has coat of many colors

    i)State the intonation at the end of lines 3 and 8.

    ii)Describe the oral performance devise you would use to deliver this poem.

    iii)Explain two qualities of a good story teller.

    Date posted: March 5, 2020.  Answers (1)

  • Read the following and answer the questions that follow.(Solved)

    Read the following and answer the questions that follow.

    "Too many cooks spoil the broth"

    i)Classify the above genre.

    ii)Give another example from the same genre with a similar meaning

    iii)Give another example from same genre that contrasts it.

    iv)Cite an incident where the above genre can apply.

    Date posted: March 5, 2020.  Answers (1)

  • Read the item below and answer the questions that follow.(Solved)

    Read the item below and answer the questions that follow.


    When the cock crows
    the lazy man smacks his lips and says;
    So it is daylight again, is it?
    And before he turns over heavily,
    before he even yawns,
    the farmer has reached the farm,
    the water carriers have arrived at the river,
    the spinners are spinning their cotton
    the weaver works on his cloth,
    and the fire blazes in the blacksmith's hut.

    The lazy one knows where the soup is sweet.
    He goes from house to house,
    I f there is no sacrifice today,
    his breastbone will stick out!
    but when he sees the free yam,
    he starts to unbutton his shirt, he moves close to the celebrant.
    Yet his troubles are not few,
    When his wives reach puberty,
    rich men will help him marry them.

    i)Classify the above oral poem

    ii)Identify and explain any two stylistic devices used in the poem.

    Date posted: March 5, 2020.  Answers (1)

  • Read the song below and answer the questions that follow.(Solved)

    Read the song below and answer the questions that follow.

    Where is she eee
    Where is the bride?
    We want to pamper her
    We want to pamper her x 2

    We advise you, we advise you
    When you get there, respect your husband
    When he calls you respond to his call.So that your marriage can last.

    Both of you may live in peace
    Both of you may live in peace x 2

    i)State the words which can be stressed in line two and explain why?

    ii)What is lost when the above song is written down?

    iii)If you were reading the song aloud in class, how would you ensure that those listening to you get the message?

    Date posted: March 4, 2020.  Answers (1)

  • Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.(Solved)

    Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.

    Waves lap lap
    Fish fins clap clap
    Brown sails flap flap
    Chop sticks tap tap

    Up and down the long green river
    Ohe! Ohe! Lanterns quiver
    Willow branches brush the river
    Ohe! Ohe! Lanterns quiver

    Waves lap lap
    Fish fins clap clap
    Brown sails flap flap
    Chop sticks tap tap

    1. Describe the rhyme scheme of the above poem.

    2. Identify and illustrate any sound devices used in the poem.

    3. Provide another word that is pronounced the same way as the ones provided below.

    i) Key –
    ii) One –
    iii) Passed –
    iv) Come –
    v) Read

    Date posted: October 15, 2019.  Answers (1)

  • Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.(Solved)

    Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.


    1. Describe the rhyme scheme of the above poem.

    2. Identify and illustrate any sound devices used in the poem.

    3. Provide another word that is pronounced the same way as the ones provided below.

    i) Key –
    ii) One –
    iii) Passed –
    iv) Come –
    v) Read

    Date posted: October 14, 2019.  Answers (1)

  • Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.(Solved)

    Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.


    a) Who is the persona in the poem.

    b) Identify the imagery used and show its effectiveness.

    c) Explain the meaning of the following sentences:-

    1) Seeing only a bun on some sky-high shelf.

    2) Your stomach is a den of lions

    Roaring day and night

    d) What is the attitude of the persona towards the boy?

    e) What is the meaning of the following words?

    1) Chiseled

    2) Glazed

    3) Taut

    4) Confetti

    f) What is the mood of the poem?

    Date posted: October 14, 2019.  Answers (1)

  • Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.(Solved)

    Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.

    There was an Indian, who had known no change,
    Who strayed along a sunlit beach.
    Gathering shell, He heard a sudden strange
    Commingled noise; looked up; and gasped for speech.
    For in the bay, where nothing was before,
    Moved on the sea, by magic, huge canoes,
    With bellying cloths on poles and not oar,
    And fluttering coloured signs, and clambering crews.
    And he, in his fear, this naked man alone,
    His fallen hands forgetting all their shells,
    His lips gone pale, knelt low behind a stone
    And stared, and saw, and did not understand,
    Columbus’s doom- burdened caravels.
    Slant to the shore, and all their seamen land

    a) Describe the rhyme scheme in the above poem and state its function.

    b) Identify words that end in the same sound in line 4.

    c) Provide words that are identical in pronunciation to the following. (4 marks)
    i) Pale
    ii) Oar
    iii) Crews
    iv) Was

    d) What would be the effect of mid-line pauses on the performance of the poem.

    Date posted: October 9, 2019.  Answers (1)

  • Read the poem below and answer the questions. A freedom song(Solved)


    a) Who is speaking in this poem? Give evidence.

    b) In about 50 words what is the poem talking about?

    c) If you were to read this poem to an audience, which words and lines would you emphasize?

    d) How does Atieno change over the years?

    e) From the poem identify.

    i) A proper noun

    ii) Three common noun

    Date posted: October 9, 2019.  Answers (1)

  • (Solved)

    Analyze the oral song below and answer the questions that follow.


    When I see the beauty on my beloved’s face,
    I throw away the food in my hand;
    Oh, sister of the young man, listen;
    The beauty on my beloved’s face.
    Her neck is long, when I see it cannot
    Sleep one wink
    Oh, the daughter of my mother-in-law,
    Her neck is like the shaft of a spear.
    When I touch the tattoos on her back,
    I die;
    Oh, sister of the young man, listen;
    The tattoo on my beloved’s back.
    When I see the gap in my beloved’s teeth,
    Her teeth are white like dry season simsim;
    Oh, daughter of my father-in-law, listen;
    The gap in my beloved’s teeth.
    The daughter of the bull confuses my head,
    I have to marry her;
    True, sister of the young man, listen;
    The suppleness of my beloved’s waist.

    i) How has rhythm been achieved in this oral song?
    ii) Explain how you would perform this oral song.
    iii) What tone will you adopt when singing this song?

    Date posted: October 7, 2019.  Answers (1)

  • Read the poem below and then answer questions that follow.(Solved)

    Read the poem below and then answer questions that follow.

    (a) Who is the speaker in this poem?

    (b) Describe what the poem above is about.

    (c) Identify three instances of similes in the poem.

    (d) Give this poem a suitable title.

    Date posted: September 30, 2019.  Answers (1)

  • Read the poem below and then answer the questions that follow.(Solved)

    Read the poem below and then answer the questions that follow.


    i). Describe the rhyme scheme of this poem.

    ii).Identify any two sound patterns used in the poem above.

    iii). How would you perform the last line of the poem?

    iv). Which words would you stress in the first line?

    Date posted: September 24, 2019.  Answers (1)

  • Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow. (Solved)

    Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.

    I wonder by the edge
    Of this desolate lake
    Where wind cries in the sledge
    Until the axle break
    That keeps the stars in their round
    And hands hurt in the deep
    The banners of east and west
    And the girdle of light is unbound,
    Your breast will not lie by the breast
    Of your beloved in sleep

    (i) Describe the rhyme scheme of the poem.

    (ii) Identify and illustrate any two sound pattern used in the poem.

    (iii) How would you say the last two lines of the poem?

    (iv) Give homophones for the following words used in the poem (2mks)
    Wonder –

    Date posted: September 12, 2019.  Answers (1)

  • Read the following poem and then answer the questions that follow. (Solved)

    Read the following poem and then answer the questions that follow.

    There, I've got you,
    I've got you . . . Crack, crack,
    what a louse. It bit me,
    what a louse. . . It bit me,
    what a louse!
    (From: Oral literature in Africa, by Ruth Finnegan)

    i) Explain how rhythm is achieved in this poem

    ii) How would you perform the above poem to make it enjoyable?

    iii) Identify the words that you would stress in line 3, and explain why.

    Date posted: September 11, 2019.  Answers (1)