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Discuss the Signs and Symptoms of Drug Abuse in Students


This question is about students studying guidance and counseling to understand the signs and symptoms of drug abuse in students



. When an individual happens to isolate physically and emotionally from others, it is a sign that he or she is abusing drugs. Most drug addicts withdraw and like being alone. The withdrawal can also emotionally where they rarely share their emotional problems with others.

• There is an imbalance in how they walk and think. Most drugs cause drowsiness making it difficult for some to walk normally. For instance, a person who is abuses alcohol loses physical balance. They can’t walk properly and some may not even be in a position to stand. The use of drugs also alters the thinking capacity of its users. Those who abuse drugs are sometimes not in a position to think properly and that makes them do stupid thinks without giving it a thought.

• Another sign is a bad odor coming from the mouths. It is easy to know a person who is smoking from the smell. Most of them like chewing gum or using spray to hide the smell.
• Drug addicts experience sleeping disorders. This means they have difficulty having a peaceful sleep. Most of them are always awake. Good examples of individuals who experience sleeping disorders are those who use khat. The use of alcohol can also bring about sleeping disorders in its users.

• Most drug users do not have time to do self-grooming. There is a high rate of self-negligence and most of them dirty. They don’t wash their bodies, they wear dirty clothes and their hair is unkempt.

• For students who abuse drugs, they have poor concentration in class. Most of them appear absent-minded and do not pay attention to what their teachers or lecturers. They appear to exist in their own world.

• The high rate of absenteeism in class can also be a sign that a student is using drugs. They may leave home for school but most of the time they are not in school. They go in their hiding place to use the abuse of the drugs instead.

• Quarrelsome and dishonesty is also another sign among drug users. Dishonesty comes when they start stealing items in the house so that they can buy drugs. They tend to live a dishonesty life. They also become quarrelsome. They are always defensive when one questions their attitude and behavior. They quarrel all the time.

• Change in friends is also another sign of drug abuse. If you realize that all of a sudden someone has changed friends, then it is a sign of drug abuse. Change of friends happens because one has to identify with a certain group.

• Being in possession of syringes /needles and bloodstains on the sleeves is also a sign that one is injecting himself or herself with drugs. Another thing is having peculiar things in the pocket.

Smwenje answered the question on March 12, 2020 at 14:39

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