Educational planning is the process in which education actors or planners develop capacity to plan and manage educational systems through its programs of training technical assistance, policy research and knowledge sharing. Its aim is to make education more effective and efficient in responding to the needs and goals of its student and society.
The process is faced with shortcomings and failures in the third world countries which include:
The rising demand of education due to rapid population growth. There has been failure of being able to estimate the target group and the population. This becomes a challenge in planning since resource allocation to education sector cannot be well estimated, hence limited resources where efficiency and effectiveness may fail to be fully achieved. The rapid population growth is also increasing the level of poverty within the country where population is high and increasing while the available resources are inadequate to support it. Education planners only address the education issues failing to capture all the interests of its targeted group since with poverty, other important needs should be addressed first like food, clothing and security or shelter. This challenge the education sector since the age and time of enrollment would be affected while others completely fail to enroll due to these challenges even when the education sector provides some of these needs. The provision may be inadequate and inconsistent. This affects percentage of children in schools.
Increasing financial constraints is also a shortcoming. Most of the third world countries have been able to offer free basic education where the government funds the education sector in order to support it. Other world organization and non-governmental organizations have also had their input to support education but with all this support, the financial demand is higher than the financial supply hence constraints within the sector. There has been less government budget for education relative to its expectations, this affects the quality of material used hence efficiency and effectiveness of the institutions affected. There has been also unfair use of the budget. Failure to strictly adhere to the budget by administrators compromises the purpose and goals set to be achieved within the education sector whose growth is put at risk. Unavailability of funds by parents to the education sector remains a challenge.
Teacher demand and supply is also another shortcoming. More teachers are required in educational institutions to appropriately use the medium of instructions to deliver to the learners. The teacher-student ratio is supposed to be manageable for efficiency. On the country the supply of teachers to the institutions has been low. This has led to shortage of teachers in schools which affects the quality of education. Low salaries of teachers is a factor that may discourage many students from pursuing the profession hence shortage. in some private institutions the inability to pay well trained teachers has led to contracting of untrained teachers which affects the quality of education.
Specialized man power has also been a shortcoming. This is a shortage or unavailability of skilled and qualified staff or personnel. This ranges from technical team, human resource, researchers, information and communication technology(ICT) and essentially in all fields within the sector. This slows down the rate of growth within the sector and lowers the quality of products. It also affects efficiency and effectiveness of the ministry.
Educational productivity and quality is also a shortcoming. The education sector will have to increase them in order to get maximum results from limited educational resources. This includes presence of non-registered institutions in both public and private sectors which lowers the quality of education hence they need to be closely mentored. Lack of adequate quality assurance measures by the ministry also affects quality and productivity which need to be improved for efficiency in the institutions. Supervision guidance, advice, monitoring and control should be emphasized by the education planners to prepare the products to be of required quality. Methodologies used for instruction is also a challenge where much cramming is advocated as a method of learning unlike research work. This severely affects the quality of education. Learners should be encouraged to do inquiry, research and all hands on activities to improve the quality.
In some of third world countries substandard education system is also a challenge. This is evidenced by by the fact that they keep changing the education system from time to time, meaning they are not satisfied with it, which makes learners to loose trust on the education system hence affecting the quality. These education systems lead to massive production of students who at the end of the process cannot be fully self-reliant.
Non-quality syllabus is also affecting the quality of education. The syllabus fails to address all the needs of the learners in response to environment and societal demands. The relevancy of the syllabus and quality of education becomes questionable.
The nature of the education system is also a shortcoming. This must be better equipped for innovation and self-renewal. This is caused by lack of technical education. The learners should be equipped with knowledge and skills for application after education process where they engage in self-employment and reduce crimes and bad behavior since they are fully occupied and busy with productions. The products of education systems are able to engage in healthy occupations. The system should support the government policies like the vision 2030 in Kenya which requires innovation and technology in order to realize significant industrial development. This also assists in exploitation of resources within the countries. Their input in addressing international issues is also recognized.
Administrative planning management analysis is also a shortcoming. Educational planning must improve them for better training. It should also emprise the help from all the social sciences to make education better than it is currently. The ability to manage all the resources including human and physical is an assuarity of proper coordination and harmonization which facilitates efficiency and effectiveness in the educational institutions. Data collection and analysis in terms of achievements enables improvements to be made in the inputs to realize the best outcome. The ability to make the right decisions at the right time and sharing the vision and Mission with all the stakeholders in a view to ensure support of policies hence positive impact in institutions leading to growth.
Non stable policies in educational institutions are a challenge since they cause state of confusion and frustration. The policies should be simple, clear and easy to implement. They should be well understood by all the stakeholders in order to pull in the same direction. The strategies on policy implementation should be enforced.
Opportunities for out of school education is also a shortcoming. The formal education system fails to offer job opportunities which are adequate in the areas of specialization. This must be developed and coordinated such that training is in line with job demand and the environmental pressures. This reduces unemployment. Emphasis should also be laid on the training which doesn’t require more of the white color jobs but more of the technical skills and being self-reliant. The world of business, farming, construction, hairdressing, dressmaking and all types of therapy should be highly encouraged. The planners of education should ensure improved and quality outcome of the education process.
Agricultural and rural development is a shortcoming in the third world countries which challenges educational planning. There is need for development in these fields which would support the education sector. Agricultural development ensures consistent and adequate supply of food for consumption. Rural development facilitates the transport of farm produce from one area to another hence economic stability in the country. This supports education whose standards and quality leads to its improvement.
Political conflicts are also another shortcoming. It creates unpredictable environment surrounding education sector, displacement of families in the affected regions causes psychological affected regions causes psychological trauma to learners and even schools are considered safe ground which affects activities in educational institutions. The educational system should embrace peace, love and unity among the communities which ensures smooth learning and appreciating one another by the learners which is projected to the larger society. The feudal, tribal, or other systems greatly affect the education sector.
The foreign interference is also a shortcoming in the education sector. These are ideas of people belonging to other nations which may have an impact since they may call for changes within the education sector.
Industrial development and government services is also a shortcoming. This needs to be improved so as to be able to support education. The growth of industries would provide environment for practice and development of technology, this would also provide job opportunities to the learners after acquisition of knowledge and skills. Services offered by the government may not be well factored in planning process. These are necessary in the support of education.
Religious matters are also a challenge in education sector, the diversity and freedom of denominations is projected in educational institutions which may lead to divisions causing management challenges. The criticism among different groups creates a negative altitude among the learners and exercising control of each of one’s culture and faith requires strong bound of union and understanding in order to live in peace and harmony.
Inherited professional is a shortcoming it the third world countries. Exploitation and venture in a new scope of thought and ideas challenges many since according to them it’s about what has been developed in families and fields of exploration such that learners have to follow suit but not engage in different scope of thinking. This challenges the education sector due to limited room for growth.
High fees that may not be affordable charged on higher education may be a shortcoming. The economic status of families, parents and nation at large is low, higher fees discourages the attainment of highest levels of education which is a challenge.
All these factors causing failures or shortcomings in the educational planning if well addressed would improve the quality of education hence its efficiency and effectiveness in institutions of learning. This would also lead to industrial growth and development within the countries hence industrialization.
Dennis A. Rondinelle. (1990). Planning Education Reforms in Developing Countries. The Contingency Approach. Publisher: Duke University Press, Durham N.C
Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration (1998). Scarecrow Press.
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