Discuss the political organization of the shona


Discuss the political organization of the shona



1. The king used priests as a link between him and people (also served as spies)

2. The king was the chief religious authority since he could communicate with Vadzimu (ancestral spirits) – a divine king

3. King’s position was hereditary

4. Ruled by a king (Mwene Mutapa)

5. The senior officials in the bureaucracy who assisted the king were courts steward, treasurer, commander-in-chief of army,
Mbokurumme, Queen’s mother

6. The king had a standing army

7. The empire was divided into provinces ruled by chiefs

8. Chiefs carried a flame from this fire to their kingdom and also kept it burning

9. There existed a royal fire which kept burning till death of king
johnmulu answered the question on February 1, 2017 at 12:40

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