Outline the factors that would influence a manager’s decision to delegate authority and assign subordinates.


Outline the factors that would influence a manager’s decision to delegate authority and assign subordinates.



- Delegation relieves senior managers of less important or less immediate responsibilities in order to concentrate on more important duties. The degree of pressure thus influences a decision to delegate.
- The degree to which the manager feels able to cope with the risks associated with delegation. He will face the consequences of actions of juniors.
- The capabilities and experience of the sub-ordinates.
- An assessment of how much benefit the subordinate will obtain from being given increased responsibility. Delegation may be good for individual growth and morale.
- The cost involved in the work to be delegated i.e. financial cost or reputation with customer. It is good not to risk losing customers and also to weigh the cost of a mistake by a subordinate.
- The amount of help available to the subordinate from colleagues.
- The intention to use the opportunity to delegate as part of the subordinates planned development at work. Delegation helps to enrich individual’s jobs.
- The desire of the manager to motivate subordinates and improve morale.
- The urgency of the task
- The sensitivity or confidentiality that should be maintained.
Kavungya answered the question on April 24, 2021 at 14:54

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